Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That coins were minted in the names of bishops and churches is clear , but it is not certain that they mark an encroachment into a royal preserve .
2 Furthermore , the ranks of that clergy were drawn from the common people themselves .
3 One of the major differences of the Department of National Savings relative to other financial intermediaries is that it does not hold an asset portfolio to back up liabilities held , and therefore is not constrained by the need to adhere to liquidity , solvency or capital adequacy regulations ( given that funds are backed by the Treasury and are therefore essentially default-free ) .
4 Profit gains in some operations were balanced by reductions in others .
5 Some attempts were made by political parties to annexe the cooperative representation movement , acts that were exploited by J C Carroll in a circular stating that resolutions in support of the Labour Party were being forwarded , together with proposals to finance political work by increasing contributions ( see interviews with S F Perry , Secretary of the Cooperative Representation Committee in Cooperative News 29 March 19 , 5 April 19 ) .
6 In his London Shadows Godwin even finds a function for the voyeurs who made it fashionable to tour the slums ‘ and wonder at the peculiarities of that strange land ’ , because ‘ it was partly owing to these visits that some improvements were carried into effect ’ .
7 The advantage of this approach would be that it would enable a mixed economy to be operated i.e. some institutions be validated in the present way ; , others who were ‘ chartered ’ would not necessarily be accredited for all their courses in that their courses would be validated in the present ways .
8 A few pennies were dropped into it but he did n't look very pleased .
9 The decision to support Iraq 's candidature for the League of Nations in 1932 had been taken before Humphrys 's arrival , but some misgivings were expressed about the lack of any guarantees for the Assyrian and Kurdish minorities after the transition to independence .
10 It must involve some acts being done in State B , over which the law of that State may properly exercise a measure of control .
11 It is interesting to compare this fact with the ridicule to which some experts were exposed for developing fermentation methods of producing penicillin — ‘ obviously to be a flop ’ .
12 Some minutes were occupied in the buying of a ticket .
13 Does he share my concern about some prisoners being put in prisons that are so far away from their families that it is a difficult and expensive business for the wives and chilldren — especially if there are young children — to travel half way round the country to see their fathers or relatives ?
14 For best results , some products are recommended to be used after dusting your skin with talc first .
15 Some products are sold with a very strong emphasis on after sales service , warranties , guarantees , technical advice and similar benefits .
16 They use a separate division called Franklin Learning Resources and claim that at least some products are used by each of over 4,000 school districts .
17 Some products are marketed in plastic lidded tubs and others , rarely , in 500g shakers .
18 Bachrach and Baratz ( 1970 ) argued that power is also exercised when some groups are prevented from raising issues that are against the interests of the powerful .
19 The second phrase comprises only eight different notes , but this is because the parts are close together in a small area , and some notes are used by two different instruments .
20 Just how accurate they are was demonstrated when some birds were kept under a stationary artificial " sun " .
21 Some rules were meant to be broken .
22 Some snags are discussed in the chapter on validation .
23 At that time few attempts were made to measure the effectiveness of such activity , and advertising agencies tended to branch out into sales promotions with the aim of offering an all-inclusive package to their clients in an attempt to combat competition from the emerging sales promotion agencies .
24 Some activities are promoted through paid-for advertising ie Exhibitions , Open Days , occasional lectures .
25 It was disappointing that the positive achievements of some activities were undermined by some less than satisfactory results and commercial and technical contract performances in others .
26 Blue-banded grass parakeets abounded in the neighbourhood of Spring Hill , feeding on corn from the margins of cultivated land in flocks larger than Gould had ever seen before ; compared with the proliferation of different species around Hobart , however , only a few birds were collected on this overland journey .
27 It seems , however , that few notes were issued in Lancashire and in parts of the West Riding .
28 The sober grey suit has been replaced in some instances by pink corduroys and sandals , while some interviewers were faced with female candidates in low cut dresses or transparent blouses .
29 But even here it was surprising how few coins were found in extensive clearance and in some cases scarcely more than half-a-dozen were recorded .
30 Subsequently , 22lb of Semtex was found dumped in water filter beds in Stoke Newington , north London , and then 25lb of Semtex and some firearms were found near Scarborough , North Yorkshire .
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