Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [pron] does [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In some ways it does n't come out exactly right , but that 's the way it goes . ’
2 But as Thierry Bernard , the director of ERAI ( Enterprise Rhone-Alpes International ) points out : ‘ This is one of the few regions which does not offer financial incentives .
3 Members of the British Diabetic Association say Darlington 's Memorial is one of the few hospitals which does not have a diabetic liaison nurse .
4 Contrary to some reports it does not automatically open the way for the social chapter to be drawn into British law .
5 In such societies one does not find internal differentiation based on differential wealth , and if such differentiation appears to develop , it is resisted .
6 What is required is some way of authenticating these matters which does not impinge too greatly on the ease of use of electronic messaging , and the best method of authentication is undoubtedly some form of digital signature .
7 The woman searches — though these days she does n't know it , matters of procreation being so far from anyone 's thoughts — for a good father for her young , adequate in looks , more than adequate as a provider ; the man searches for a good , kind and competent mother for his children , not such a dog as to make copulation a problem — both settle for the best he or she can do .
8 When he does produce these propositions he does so through ironic positive politeness , more precisely through superficially observing the approbation maxim : Anderson 's irony here is much more successful than that which he uses when arguing with the captain in scene six ( where his ironic statements concerning human rights in Czechoslovakia actually prompt the captain to ask further awkward questions ( pp. 70 – 1 ) ) , because he exploits the potential ambiguity of the academic discourse appropriate to a lecture .
9 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
10 You know how many times he does n't phone .
11 For instance , to many researchers there does not seem to be a universal cause of depression : some depressions are due to lost love-objects ; some seem to be more constitutionally based .
12 We should not have to rely on the private sector to assist in providing facilities especially as , currently in many cases it does not provide such facilities .
13 ‘ There are two sets of stairs into and out of every gallery , ’ Paxton explained , ‘ So that if we get too many visitors it does n't get too congested as people move around .
14 And I think that the question of making people do things , that 's something in all societies which does n't change too much .
15 and ask him how many letters , how many letters he does though , you
16 In those circumstances it does not seem to me right to leave open , whether the court has power to do so I 'm doubtful , but in any event it does not seem to me right to leave open a question of whether there should be some damages to provide for the possibility that er Paul may have to leave school , nor do I think that it is a situation in which any contingency award should be made in respect of that .
17 I was n't aware that in nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty seven , the government had the same policies it does now .
18 I ai n't got any tapes which does n't say that on them .
19 To the extent the seller uses it to manufacture stock for the buyer ahead of any orders he does so at his own risk .
20 erm , no most evenings it does n't really matter no
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