Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [pron] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After a few minutes it will slowly and cautiously uncurl itself again .
2 Unfortunately in some cases there will either be only two connectors or there wo n't be sufficient space on the cable to accommodate the drives in their bays .
3 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
4 As the season of goodwill gets into full swing , Jill Papworth looks at some presents which will still be appreciated on Boxing Day .
5 Yeah and if you block it all you 're gon na get some kids who will never go beyond number .
6 We 're constantly reworking songs and I imagine in the next few months we 'll probably be reworking members too .
7 Some weeks we will simply get a bottle of wine ; have a meal and be in bed by 8.30pm watching a film .
8 But if you 're like me moving to a , a house that 's been established for some years you 'll probably find there 's only a minimum of power points because let's face it over the years the use of electrical apparatus have become more and more has n't it ?
9 Emma is always asking when we will go back , and our only worry now is that in a few years she will probably be waking us up at dawn on icy mornings , saying : ‘ Shall we go down the black run first ? ’
10 ‘ If Steve does n't come back for a few days I 'll probably have to go into Palma and see the airlines and the tourist board myself . ’
11 If an egg has been discharged from the ovary during the last few days it will now be on its way through the tubes .
12 This raises public awareness and the press is always interested in hard statistics ; so if you can say several hundred people signed the petition in an afternoon or over the course of a few days it will undoubtedly earn you publicity .
13 Over the course of a few weeks they will probably spend several hours in the bureau familiarising themselves with bureau practice before their formal selection interview .
14 Over the next few weeks it will slowly grow itself a new set of entrails .
15 In some instances they will even transport each cub , one at a time , for as much as four miles to give them greater protection .
16 Basically when you see ‘ Capcom ’ appear on your screen at the start , press Down , R , Up , L , Y , B and after a few seconds you 'll both be able to choose the same character .
17 After a few drinks he will reluctantly sell it to you as he 's a bit short of cash and you 're so obviously interested …
18 Of course , there are some men who will naturally regard you as an equal .
19 However , some children who will eventually pass out of care through custodianship or adoption will spend periods , sometimes periods of years , in care after moving to permanent new families .
20 Now this can be rather boring , as for some students it will actually be going over material that they have met .
21 ‘ In some industries there will always be a delay between a company paying its suppliers and getting paid itself , ’ he says .
22 I am often asked what makes a good day for bolting rabbits , bearing in mind that on some occasions they will readily leave the ground regardless of surface conditions , whereas at other times — often under what appear to be favourable conditions — they just can not be budged .
23 However , in such cases one will often not need to progress to the follow-up sessions of therapy which would be needed by those others who are trying to overcome a particular problem .
24 GARDEN CENTRES Okay for plants and fertiliser , but if you go to such places you will probably be served by a weekend youngster on slave wages , who would n't know a Koi from a goldfish .
25 In the course of solving such problems we will frequently wish to alter upper bounds and to impose and alter lower bounds on variables .
26 For such techniques we will probably need to discover a number of algebraic laws involving WHILE .
27 However , even in these cases it will probably not be necessary to establish the market value immediately .
28 If one plucks a piece from one of these plants it will almost certainly break along one of the numerous joints that divide the whole plant into segments , right to the tips of the branchlets .
29 One of these days they 'll just vanish from the face of the earth and never be seen again .
30 To help tackle some of these questions we will now turn to examine the development of another recent set of local economic strategies , those designed to ‘ restructure for labour ’ .
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