Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Christ ! ’ she exploded , ‘ all this bloody drama over a few kisses ! ’
2 The Moving Picture World was glad to be able to quote the New Hampshire reporter for whom the ‘ nickels ’ were just like ‘ a good strong cup of tea and a bit of a gossip ’ or ‘ a chat with some good fellow over a cocktail — they rest , that 's all ’ .
3 On the other hand , he or she disposes this increased income over a wider range of services , many of which ( it is asserted ) are less capable of automation ( increased productivity ) than is the case in production of industrial goods .
4 This apparent advantage over a predominantly rural rebel zone would only be maintained , however , if the Republic could hold on to its territory , overcome the isolation of the north coast from the rest of the zone , put its precious metal reserves to good use , pay for essential raw materials and feed its large urban population .
5 William Dement woke six subjects in this systematic way over a period of six nights , and found that on the first night they did seem to " start all over again " whenever properly woken , so that by the end of the night they had achieved a good deal of slow wave sleep and very little REM sleep .
6 Is it not time , though , to ask whether all this heady ferment over a mere conductor — Abbado or any other — has not got out of hand ?
7 They contain the right number of fish , of any species , and maintain this correct balance over a number of years , enabling the residents to grow to their maximum potential size .
8 An unfortunate accident in the solvent plant , a fire in the warehouse , a large-scale burglary , the loss of a key client , some bad publicity over a defective product , an unexpected but substantial price increase on raw materials can all present a crisis to a company , and most companies have such crises from time to time .
9 When such Stakhanovite chastity over a period of months finally coaxed some forlorn gesture of affection from the girl , he told her he wanted to get to know her better .
10 Common sense as well as medical evidence tells us , however , that excessive drinking over a long period of time can lead to health problems — and that drinking vast quantities in a short space of time is both foolish and dangerous .
11 Despite their support for the ECSC , the member states seemed wary about losing sovereignty and their own political control over an important industrial sector , and were loath to allow the High Authority to exercise its full constitutional competence .
12 Russia 's first Typhoon-class submarine , which displaces 25000 tonnes ( more than the British aircraft carrier HMS Invincible ) , has recently started test firings of the new SS-NX-20 ballistic missile , which can carry several nuclear warheads over a range of up to 8300 km .
13 Since that fraught evening over a month ago , Celia had had a certain change of heart .
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