Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gees that bloody car frightened me then !
2 That bird-watcher bloke found 'im … . ’
3 no , no , well when I , when I get it , the thing that gets me going is this , that complete car cost me er six thousand , eight hundred
4 Yet even as the boy fell back , gasping for breath , that strange transformation overcame him again .
5 It has been observed , for example , that British firms find it easier to persuade workers to accept redundancies but harder to obtain flexibility of working practices and job demarcations than do their French counterparts .
6 I 'm on in five minutes , that old ass slowed me down . ’
7 That old Plumpton has them in the baths — an hour , private-like , once a week . ’
8 Yeah another thing that that old folk use I know that my granny used to say she 'll say she 'll turn things round she 'll say , I 'm having nothing with it to do , instead of , I 'm no having anything to do with it .
9 I suppose that simple precept from that old foreman stood me in good stead for thirty odd years , until now . ’
10 Yeah , probably if you want me to get that old mower going I ought to go up to Woods and see if I can get a new drive belt .
11 That damn' word brought me back to the harsh reality of my situation : not just the discovery of a traitor or bringing a murderer to book but vengeance for Agnes and , of course , the Herculean task which the Great Killer had assigned me !
12 ‘ Forget what that foolish frog told you .
13 The assumption that they are not neglected , and that cultural values ensure they will be cared for adequately , has been challenged by Norman .
14 That sense of disintegration which he always feared was now all around him ; earlier in 1938 , he had told Martin Browne that public events made him feel that he was working against time and that , in any case , the race might be lost .
15 BELVILLE : [ aside ] To what numberless mean things did not this unmanly passion subject me ? [ to PAMELA ] My sister Davers would have had you live with her , but she would not do for you what I am resolved to do if you continue faithful and obliging .
16 I need some strong man to massage me .
17 By midnight we were all yawning hard and so I made some strong coffee to wake us up .
18 The only problem was that Rose would then be Chief Inspector unless some awful fate overtook him
19 Leith 's mouth fell open in surprise as she realised that this awful man thought she and Travis were sleeping together .
20 oh this awful pain coming I ca n't , move my arm and right side which is the side it hurts , and it goes all up here and it really hurt me to wash my hair , to bend over and wash my hair this morning cos she said
21 None of this hollow criticism deterred him .
22 Some strange ideal moves him . ’
23 His voice was still soft , but there was no trace of anger now , just a faint amusement , which for some strange reason frightened her even more .
24 This innovative classic has you riding a motorbike that converts into a motorised hang-glider ( what a way to beat the traffic ! ) .
25 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
26 Those who seek to repair the damage caused by the creation of more wealth are only locking us more deeply into the source of the evil ; and Labour 's submission to this cruel belief robs it of any claim to significant opposition to the existing order .
27 Although the result was generally welcomed as a great triumph for the men , some ETS members and some political groups thought they should have held out for even more concessions .
28 This unbelievable sensation hit me , like I was going to explode from the inside out .
29 The idea of turning on this narrow track frightened her even more .
30 This broad sketch helped me to explore the crayon 's versatility without using the final painting as a trial piece , it also helped keep the whole composition in mind as I concentrated on a specific detail in the finished painting .
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