Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [det] at the " in BNC.

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1 Even more so than he had done the previous time , I said did n't you hear this about this at the station meeting and he said it had n't been brought up .
2 One barometer of health — LTOM 's volume of contracts traded compared with the volume of underlying stocks — is less than half of that at the European Options Exchange in Amsterdam or the Chicago Board Options Exchange .
3 Mr Coates appears to have carried the can for a strategy that had the enthusiasm of some of those at the top of Barclays Bank , as well as of David Band , BZW 's chief executive , and of Sir Martin , who is also a deputy chairman of the parent bank .
4 Anyone who heard some of the more extravagant pictures of apprenticeship painted by some of those at the original Edinburgh meeting , must feel slightly uneasy that the Association could turn into a Don Quixote tilting lances at imaginary windmills , pursuing ‘ causes ’ that are not a reality , and being antagonistic for the sake of it .
5 Over the years I and my colleagues have tried to point the finger at some of those at the centre of terrorist activity on both sides of the politico-religious divide .
6 Paul enjoyed the talk at the Professor 's house , the give and take of ideas ; presently he began to sketch out some of these at the lodging , and before many weeks had passed had a book on his hands .
7 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
8 In a simple agricultural community , such as that at the time of the Pentateuch , this meant each family being able to own land .
9 This can not , of course , apply to outcrop rock such as that at the old village of Tockmal on the Oa , which has a group of shallow cups .
10 In order to install systems such as that at the St Pierre Park , equipment manufacturers rely on a good relationship with their distributors , ensuring the best possible service at all times .
11 I can not speak for others , such as those at the Survey of English Usage , who are doubtless still exploring the motorways of data opened up through this technique .
12 In addition such clauses also normally give the seller the options of trying to alter the goods so that they are no longer infringing , buying the third party claimant out by obtaining a licence from him , or , in the last resort , taking back the goods in return for a refund of their purchase price ; all of these at the seller 's expense .
13 Many of those at the foot of the scale , whose substance was equalled by that of superior labourers , must have occupied very small holdings , and had to eke out a livelihood with occasional labouring or working at some by-employment ; they have aptly been termed ‘ cottage farmers ’ .
14 How many of those at the lower end of this scale could be described as ‘ poor ’ ?
15 The qualities looked for in a higher civil servant are : intelligence ; fluency of mouth and pen , particularly in producing a persuasive argument and in composing a good ministerial speech ; the capacity to induce other people to carry out a policy that perhaps they do not much wish to carry out ; a political ‘ nose ’ ; the ability ( in a Department or a local or regional office ) to organise those beneath him or her ; and capacity for hard work ( many of those at the top work extremely hard ) .
16 There might be short-term problems within the EC but , frankly , one more of those at the moment would hardly be noticed .
17 I 've had enough of that at the moment .
18 There is no reason to refrain from any of these at the moment , although the cost v. benefit of international mailing may mean that , with a little more experience , we may reassess its worth .
19 But growing American unease over Britain 's plight was still neutralized by the determination of most of those at the top to try to prevent devaluation or the end of the role East of Suez .
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