Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] you do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 well in that case you do n't , you 're not gon na need that any way cos its not gon na be in it , is it ? , you should of left it in the magazine Geoff .
2 For example , you could actually work out all the Z scores but this equation you do n't have to , but you could if you wanted to .
3 And the people on this side you do n't know how they were reacting as well .
4 I du n no , how much do you get to sell all this stuff You do n't get any cos you , it 's not
5 I said if you said to me , Geoff , I want all the overtime I can get I can get the overtime I 'll go round and I 'll try and or if you say to me well I do n't want the overtime , I 'm quite happy with a flat week then I 'll know what I am but I said you change from day to day , one day you wann it , another day you do n't !
6 Ring if for some reason you do not wish to register with the 150 different organisations banks , building societies , stockbrokers and others acting as share shops .
7 In this world you do n't exist without money .
8 This way you do n't need an editor to view a text file .
9 This way you do n't have to worry about ACUs , licences and doctors ’ certificates .
10 At this stage you do n't need an experienced sound engineer .
11 Okay now at this stage you do n't normally have to ask for volunteers for the first group because it usually sort of role then off they go .
12 Well the thing is if , if , if at that meeting you do n't say what is gon na happen at the second meeting
13 You have up here you 've got neither win lose but it 's like it 's a respectable thing you know you respect each other you do n't trust them completely and you do n't co-operate completely but they just respect just not you 're just not willing to go that further little bit and it becomes more of a more of a rather than a win lose or a win win it 's more of a people half and half okay I 'll give this much if you give that much .
14 All year you do n't see them
15 At that age you do n't discuss whether or not you 're going to be friends , you just are .
16 I never expected them to , I 'll tell you the truth , but then again at that age you do n't think they ever will or it 'll ever happen to you do you ?
17 But you do n't get that choice you do n't er and to me I , I hate going because the , you , you got everyone seems to be , it 's , it 's as bad as a road really with the trolleys erm and I badly miss this over-the-counter service but er
18 In any case you do n't want them all the same do you ?
19 ‘ IF the thing is any good you do n't get the credit because it is very much a director 's medium .
20 There is no problem with amplifying a speaker 's voice because in a room of any size you do not hear the individual 's voice as such and the electronic sound reaches everywhere at the same time .
21 Widows ' pension is normally paid automatically once you have sent off your completed form BW1 , so if for any reason you do not receive it you should enquire at your local Social Security office .
22 Just knock down any scheme you do n't happen to like and have it rebuilt at the expense of the public purse , ’ says independent property consultant Jonathan Landes .
23 It 's from fear of what will happen , because you 're doing something you 're comfortable with you 're proud of erm a and at the same time you do n't know how erm these authorities are going to react .
24 Theses are the people that cause the problems and I have had enough and when at the same time you do n't believe the slogans they are shotuing its time to leave the Labour Party .
25 I mean you do n't wan na be push , push I mean but at the same time you do n't wan na be you do n't definitely wan na be running around like a cuckoo head do you ?
26 ‘ Hum , ’ said Jay , at least that way you do n't get your heart broken .
27 And that way you do n't have to just sort of
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