Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] i [vb base] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Wednesday after playschool I said to you I can afford that jumper I 've got twenty seven pound
2 My destinations have all been identified by linguists , in papers which have appeared in the last five years or so , as well worth a visit , and in each case I have found the excursion worthwhile .
3 Very small constellations have not been given separate maps , and in each case I have added some of the stars in adjacent groups to help in identification .
4 I shall give way to the hon. Gentleman , for whom I have some affection , or to any other Labour Member who can tell me what part of that mandate I have reneged on .
5 In that cell I 've got a formula , just multiply the number above by the number of the left .
6 The new book , Kolymsky Heights , is says Sinclair-Stevenson , ‘ a wonderful , classy novel set mainly in Russia post-Gorbachev — the best thing in this genre I 've read for ages ’ .
7 It 's the worst offence of this kind I 've seen while working in South Gloucestershire .
8 In this case I have talked to Council officials , and I think they would be prepared to offer to buy the land .
9 In all the circumstances of this case I have come to the conclusion that on balance the children 's interests are better served by their being allowed to remain in England pending a determination by the High Court , in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction , as to their future and whether it be in England or Australia .
10 This parcel I wish sent immediately ; James can pack it .
11 In writing this course I have found it necessary to do this in a way which is somewhat different from other writers ' proposals .
12 Bounce over to the typewriter and have a look at this contract I 've drawn up .
13 I 'm looking to select patients who have a high pressure and a low flow and for the sake of this study I 've drawn my lines at fifty centimetres of water for detrusor pressure during voiding and , and er fifteen mils per second .
14 This would be a shame and later in this spiel I have put down some thoughts on the matter .
15 So therefore , if this term I 've got one , two , three , four , five weeks roughly left and I know that sometimes erm what 's that ?
16 Already in this chapter I have referred to the idea that Christian commitment has become a matter of private belief .
17 In this chapter I have done more to highlight some of the problems in reaching a definition of God than to offer a solution of my own .
18 For the purposes of this chapter I have given the four schools fictitious names .
19 In this chapter I have made no attempt to discuss why it should be that the DES has found itself in the situation of promulgating these various initiatives , or indeed how it sees the relationship between them .
20 So far in this chapter I have written mainly of adult clients .
21 Throughout this chapter I have argued that the most productive way of maintaining good control is through the content of the drama itself .
22 In this chapter I have concentrated on the image of the inner city as a battle-ground — a battleground on which opposing forces , ideas , and values can be identified .
23 In the course of this chapter I have taken an historical perspective upon the nature of religious belief , looking in particular at writers from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries .
24 So far in this chapter I have focused on meaning negotiation as a matter of transaction .
25 So far in this chapter I have tried to spell out how important it is to be clear where one starts from , where present trends are taking one to , and to be ruthlessly honest about the threats from the competition and from the external environment .
26 In this chapter I have described some aspects of platelet physiology and biochemistry and the possible role of this interesting cell in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and thrombosis .
27 In this chapter I have outlined some helpful techniques to help build relationships .
28 In this chapter I have attempted to show that early experiences in England of Religious Drama were partially equated with a ‘ game ’ or a ‘ pastime ’ and as such avoided the charge of blasphemy or sacrilege .
29 In this chapter I have attempted to draw a distinction between the targets we set and our ability to hit them .
30 Indeed some research I 've done on this shows that only three players have managed 400 such dismissals , namely Richard Hadlee , Hapil Dev and Malcolm Marshall .
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