Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] was [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 His first step towards that freedom was to tell the Zoo authorities that he could not work inside any of the cages or buildings or go where animals were confined .
2 At the very time that Parliament was debating the garotters , there had been a public sensation when The Liverpool Mercury exposed an eye-witness account of a brutal navy flogging on HMS Majestic in which it was alleged that the officer-in-charge had taken considerable pleasure from the proceedings .
3 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
4 We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines .
5 From that figure was deducted the amount ( £25 ) of the deposit paid by the original buyer .
6 Each practice was given the results of the study for all their participating patients after the study had been completed in that practice .
7 However , by the end of the month , each side was accusing the other of breaking this new ceasefire .
8 Resistance of this kind was to keep the authorities extremely nervous throughout 1922 , and one has the sense from the enormous detail of the Smolensk Archive that fear of outright revolt and even counter-revolution was ever present in the local Party 's thoughts .
9 The Metropolitan 's first move in this case was to invoke the statute of limitations to block Turkey 's demand for the return of antiquities acquired by the museum through gifts and purchases about 20 years ago .
10 The wider impact of this decision was to define the scope of judicial review not in terms of the source of the power being exercised but rather by reference to the functions of judicial review and its appropriateness in particular cases .
11 Almost as soon as this decision was taken the atom bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Japanese surrendered .
12 This leaven was added the next time baking bread was done .
13 The working party 's principal objective in introducing this provision was to make the refunds which the parties have to pay each other subsequent to a finding of nullity of the contract subject to the applicable law .
14 The aim of this study was to assess the effect of oral supplementation with vitamin C , vitamin E , or Β -carotene on colonic crypt cell proliferation of patients with adenomatous polyps .
15 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the longterm clinical and endoscopical effects of Nissen fundoplication performed for reflux , including assessment of oesophageal function .
16 The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis that such a difference in metastability already exists in hepatic bile .
17 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of TGF α on the growth of hamster ductal exocrine pancreatic cancer cells in vivo .
18 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of metronidazole on NSAID enteropathy in man .
19 The aim of this study was to examine the pattern of acquisition of H pylori infection over a 21 year period in a group of 141 adults who had blood samples and serum stored in 1969 , 1978 , and 1990 .
20 The aim of this study was to compare the uptake of 5-ASA with that of Ac-ASA into the isolated human colonic epithelial cell .
21 A primary purpose of this study was to explore the distribution of risk-related information at both high and low risk junctions .
22 The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of supplemental oxygen both during and after upper gastrointestinal endoscopy .
23 The aim of this study was to investigate the mortality from Crohn 's disease among 610 patients on a community based register in Leicestershire .
24 The aim of this study was to measure the overall plasminogen activator activity and concentrations of individual fibrinolytic system mediators in ascites secondary to alcoholic liver disease or malignancy to gain a greater understanding about the aetiology of this condition .
25 The aim of this study was to identify the duodenal histological abnormalities in the presence or absence of HSAID , H pylori , and duodenal ulceration .
26 The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and characteristics of non-deglutitive motor activity inthe normal human oesophagus and to study the relation of this oesophageal motor activity to motility patterns elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract .
27 The purpose of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of oesophageal manometry in our laboratory .
28 The point of this experiment was to strengthen the alloxan data .
29 As this review was going the House of Lords has permitted the citation of Hansard ; Mr Bennion will have to start on his next edition .
30 Initially , the main aim of this research was to demonstrate the inaccuracy of Chomsky 's characterization of the input as " random and degenerate " but , more recently , attempts have been made to show that particular features of this register actually facilitate the learner 's task .
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