Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] is [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Miss chalk and that is terrible of you implying that Miss is only doing it to get her voice on the recorder .
2 Some damage is always done , no matter how careful the technique , and the recovery of small mammal assemblages nearly always depends on some form of screening which can be moderately destructive .
3 This exercise is best done with a partner to assist .
4 This exercise is best done with a partner For safety and assistance if necessary .
5 This work is often done by an old man of many years experience .
6 This softening is usually done by means of the base-exchange process or some variation of this , giving water of near-zero hardness .
7 This process is usually done electronically via a machine at the shop 's cash till ( see Box 16.5 ) .
8 It is the purpose of training to instil in the child mind a conscience that will be his guide , and this training is best done , and usually is done , by the various processes involving reward , and in this respect it must always be remembered that there is little greater reward that can be offered a child than the knowledge that it is loved .
9 This speech is magnificently done as Antony has to obey certain rules which he does , but still convinces them that the conspiracy was wrong .
10 This cruelty is all to do with looks and style .
11 Houses have been bought by local builders with plans to restore them , though in many such cases very little work is actually done .
12 " Packaging the campaign " is a public relations function and that packaging is usually done first for the media — the powerful ally or potential enemy of your campaign .
13 All development is now done on Hewlett-Packard Co PA RISC Snake workstations running Unix — SAS has taken $5m worth of the things — the SAS system as a whole now runs to over four million lines of code .
14 In such material it is comparatively easy to identify what each speaker is actually doing in speaking — for example , questioning , challenging , advising , encouraging , disapproving , etc .
15 It follows that marking is entirely done on the basis of the police report and is therefore dominated by it .
16 Most docking is currently done by breeders who argue that it is painless , improves hygiene in long-haired varieties , and removes the risk of dogs injuring their tails later on .
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