Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think it is erm Greater York that has been seen as an area with special problems because of its er historic character , erm which we spent many hours debating at the York greenbelt local plan inquiry , and I think most participants there accepted that the er what was being protected was not just the historic core , but also the setting of York and its surrounding ring of villages , and the way which it is proposed to protect that setting and character is by a greenbelt , now it follows that if you are imposing extremely severe restrictions on new development in an area around a settlement , then you have to meet the legitimate development needs for that settlement in another location , the further away that new settlement or other policy response is located it seems to me the less likely it is to meet the er needs of that settlement , and that will give rise to erm , you know , additional pressures on the settlement you are proposing to protect and maybe those pressures could not be resisted , and I think that 's why there is this requirement that erm the development which might otherwise be built on the edge of York , but which is not proposed to be so built because of the greenbelt needs to be located close , as close to York as is consistent with the original environmental objectives greenbelt objectives for the greenbelt .
2 Although de Gaulle recognized as much , he and his regime made little progress in that direction , and it is surely too simplistic to lay the entire blame for this failure at Pompidou 's door ( as the General 's admirers are inclined to do ) .
3 Likewise , the Christian mind will make little progress in any direction unless its presuppositions are completely and consistently renewed by being brought into line with the whole of God 's truth .
4 Unfortunately , they often had little experience in civil administration and although the system may have seemed effective in suppressing Lombard leadership , ultimately it acted against Frederick 's interests due to its inherent inefficiency and unpopularity .
5 It 's funny 'cos , I mean , the T V news actually provides that function in this country , I think , of the middle ground , whereas it seems to me on a very limited sort of reading that the T V news erm provides a different sort of service in the States .
6 And the inspector will have to make that judgement in this case .
7 There 's little money in this business , Nancy , little money and no thanks — but I 'm fond of seeing the young people around me . ’
8 Zhukov had long since realized that there was little money in photographic portraiture and had turned his talents to other , more profitable sidelines .
9 Since Deschner and Maskens have suggested that abnormalities in the distribution of S phase cells withinin the proliferative compartment of the colonic crypts are important in defining the degree of cancer risk in high colon cancer risk patients , we have measured the distribution of cells in S phase in addition to the overall numbers of S phase cells in each crypt in this study .
10 Ever since you raped and killed that cadet in military school … just to show yourself that you could do it .
11 We never have that opportunity in this country do we ?
12 At each level in this hierarchy we find both a dependence on those subjects which lie below and also a claim to a degree of autonomy for the concepts which are specific to that level .
13 In general , the results that we have reported in this chapter have been favourable to the rational expectations hypothesis , suggesting at the very least that the usefulness of that hypothesis in one area of macroeconomics can not be dismissed lightly .
14 The populace generally played little part in that agitation , but when Wilkes returned from the exile in 1768 to which he had fled from fear of imprisonment , debt and the fighting of a duel , to fight the Middlesex election , he became the symbol of a much wider agitation .
15 As centres of culture the decadent universities played little part in national life and the inquiries of a government reform in the 1770's reveal an abysmal indifference to learning .
16 There are few reports of the cost effectiveness of manometry , but in one study published 10 years ago , Meshkinpour et al concluded that the cost of each change in patient management was $6482.00 .
17 Frequencies were then computed across contexts for each category in each observation and , for all adult-child interaction , a first-level comparison was made between the two settings of home and school , using the Z ratio of the difference between means .
18 What other jobs or industries can you suggest for each category in this table ?
19 Frances Power Cobbe deplored the approval doctors gave to what she considered to be an essentially unhealthy lifestyle ; she had little faith in medical expertise and liked to recall the case of a women friend who , on deciding to stop seeing her doctor and carry on normally , promptly recovered .
20 Kubrick can posit only a mystical promise of future ( individual ) development because he fundamentally has little faith in human nature or society , unlike Clarke ( most sci-fi writers seem to have a deep-down streak of optimism , even when as downbeat as Philip K Dick or as ironic as Kurt Vonnegut ) .
21 This poses the threat of a global interest rate war as West Germany , say , matches each rise in American interest rates , in order to support the D-mark and so avoid importing inflation .
22 put that champagne in that fridge
23 It is clear that each case in this area will depend on its own facts .
24 That afternoon in free time the sergeant stopped her , and told her the work had n't been done properly .
25 The GFF for the best recognised word having that tag in that position .
26 Then there are progressively large decreases in adult survival for each increment in juvenile survival , and hence a convex trade-off curve ( heavy line in Fig. 2 ) .
27 Contrary to the Jenkins and Sherman argument a group of academic economists ( Stoneman et al. 1981 ) , in a study published by the OECD , claimed that ‘ up to now there is no firm evidence that the current high levels of unemployment are due to technical progress ’ and that ‘ if account is taken of the offsetting effects that can be predicted , there will be little change in overall demand [ for skills and jobs ] ’ .
28 Er really no great change here , small improvement in capital and small increase in capital employed and of course with little change in net debt and the shareholders ' funds have gone up .
29 These are also concentrated in Kent with 65 per cent of the total ( 25 per cent at Faversham alone ) , and there is little change in this pattern through time except that the total quantities fall off during the seventh century .
30 The first led to increased enamel thickness on the molar teeth combined with little change in postcranial anatomy , and this is seen in the progression from Proconsul to Afropithecus to Kenyapithecus .
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