Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] of [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Thus , for example , the accounts and budget might be presented in detail but only total net expenditure of each division of service is compared with budget , showing the over-/under-spending and explaining broadly the reasons for any variance .
2 there 's quite a lot in there but I mean there 's only that just that bit of bay is n't there ?
3 That bit of paper is not necessaree For
4 Liberals , however , quite unnecessarily seek to justify this sentiment by appealing to highfalutin metaphysical beliefs such as the belief that private property is a natural right or that freedom of choice is an absolute value .
5 It is also held that freedom of expression is applicable not only to information or ideas favourably received but also to those that ‘ offend , shock or disturb either the State or any sector of the population ’ .
6 Each parcel of butter is tasted with a long scoop and then re-weighed before a buyer will accept it .
7 If each one , is , each wave of fieldwork is a job in itself which is where these other ones are different , I think that Wag will more than likely be alright .
8 On the other hand , its penalty structure might be thought to be preferable to that of New South Wales , for the maximum penalty for each category of offence is higher than in New South Wales and the ten-year maximum for simple sexual assault enables a heavier penalty to be imposed in serious cases which do not come within the higher categories .
9 The procedures adopted for each category of incident are of less interest than the issue of how these patterns are able to coexist with the unexpected nature of much police work .
10 Because islands are smaller than continents ( by definition ) the populations of each kind of animal are also bound to be small .
11 His parents had known it as Andrássy after the Count who had been prime minister when that part of Pest was laid out .
12 But , it seems , that part of history is quickly forgotten too .
13 The action was struck out , Turner J holding that that course of action was mandatory by virtue of s40(1) County Courts Act 1984 .
14 That instant of unguardedness was long enough for fitzAlan .
15 The Wing-coupling Apparatus — There seems little doubt that in the primitive Pterygota the fore and hind pairs of wings moved independently of each other ( as in the Isoptera and Odonata ) , and that coincidence of motion was a later acquisition associated with the development of a wing-coupling apparatus ( Fig. 28 ) .
16 That strip of seafront was beginning to worry me . ’
17 This was not at all a foolish answer , if one supposes that geometry describes the properties of space and that occupancy of space is the basic property of matter .
18 That kind of symbolism is often used is n't it .
19 And in order to get in to that state of mind one does not have to be a complete lifelong fanatic , one only has to be completely absorbed for the moment by a particular cause , and that kind of absorption is of course something which good causes often do seem to demand .
20 In England , that kind of patriotism is something you do with other consenting adults under the covers with the lights out , and usually comes with various unpleasant side-effects such as xenophobia , anti-Semitism , Anglo-Catholicism and so on .
21 And of course the one minor consolation is that that kind of trend is not necessarily going to last forever .
22 That kind of farce was just the tip of the iceberg .
23 Unfortunately that kind of life is getting to be a way of death now . ’
24 I think th the difficulty with that kind of day is that unless you 've decided what the outcome 's going to be before you start , you 're not actually going together are you ?
25 I mean , it was a fluke that it all happened , because that kind of music was being played all through the South East — Louisiana , Arkansas , Mississippi , Tennessee .
26 That kind of behaviour is unacceptable between an employer and an employee . ’
27 First appointments , on occasion , could be a matter of considerable urgency to a freeholder or a burgh magistrate , and that kind of favour was not particularly difficult to arrange , if a politician had taken the precaution of developing connections with influential navy men .
28 PPC : There 's no excuse for that kind of attitude being taken by any sales team .
29 No it 's not That kind of machine is is the water is they they pump the bloody thing up so far , so your your washing machi your er blah blah bl your your clothes is so dry .
30 That kind of self-censorship is very dispiriting .
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