Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] do [not/n't] come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Which in this case did n't come up .
2 It seems to me that the facts of this case do not come anywhere near to the level of intolerability which is required when considering the provisions of article 13 .
3 Like some other examples of futurology , this prediction did not come true .
4 You may cut a fine figure — ’ with an approving glance cast up and down his great-nephew 's fashionably tight-fitting blue coat over buckskins and top-boots ‘ — but an expensive young profligate is what you are , Dacre , and if this inheritance do n't come as a windfall you may call me a dunderhead ! ’
5 Ruth saw that the light in this place did n't come only from the sun ; a faint glow fell from Miach , something like starlight — cool and pure , with colours at its heart .
6 Trusting this stuff does n't come easy to me .
7 Unfortunately , this request did n't come within the trust beneficiary limits .
8 The ones I tried this morning did n't come down , anyway . ’
9 This information did not come from the communities : the residents had few if any contacts with the workers .
10 As this date did not come within ITV 's planned winter programme of Sunday afternoon games a new date was proposed , December 22 , a Friday night with a kick-off at 8.05 , prime-time viewing guaranteed to capture a huge audience in holiday mood .
11 That bloke did n't come on Saturday , he come on Friday did n't he ?
12 Can I suggest to him , in relation to this issue , that patriotism does n't come into it — except in one sense .
13 that cat did n't come back and ?
14 Usually such technology does not come cheap yet FAXgrabber is being sold in the UK at under £100 .
15 Of course such technology does n't come cheap , so to make sure you spend all your dosh in it , game time was kept hideously short .
16 Erm if that site does n't come forward , we wo n't be looking to transfer that allocation to the rest of the district .
17 So if we are to think of all of this in terms of Christian joy then we must realize that joy does not come from being immune to everything else that 's going on .
18 Mike [ Foot ] said wryly that if , as Harold Lever said , we had only a 50 per cent chance of avoiding catastrophe , we had better work out a contingency plan in case that chance did not come off .
19 But that offer did not come .
20 And that if that army did not come , the invaders would very likely prevail .
21 The heart 's own oxygen does not come directly from the blood within its chambers , but from a separate system of small blood vessels that encase the heart muscle like a net — the coronary arteries .
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