Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that [pron] now " in BNC.

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1 A few words of friendship , some indication that she now bore no grudge about the job .
2 It is to this exercise that we now turn .
3 It is to an examination of this perspective that we now turn , but it is worthwhile to start by asking ourselves why the situation is regarded as a problem rather than a potential ?
4 As I am satisfied that the judge applied an incorrect test to the foster mother 's application , and was also deprived of material necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion , it follows that we are free to exercise our own discretion and it is to that question that I now turn .
5 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
6 It is to the latter process that I now turn .
7 Unfortunately it is also true to say that suicide is very common among the elderly and it is to that subject that we now turn .
8 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
9 This is the largest change in any food that we now commonly consume .
10 In the same way that he now helped his wife to dress , and waited upon her all day long , Wilson sought out people to keep her company .
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