Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] for [Wh det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This is despite the fact that it is the only universal non-contributory benefit payable to all mothers on behalf of their children , and thus guarantees mothers at least some income for which they do not have to ask their husbands or cohabitees .
2 Er it is important I think , that we do n't er have too many regulations , that 's why I have some sympathy for what my honourable friend , the member for South Hamms , was saying , that we do n't er regulate to the point where firms just go out of business and give up , that it 's too expensive and it 's too burdensome .
3 He appeared regularly in the shop , invariably walking out with yet another purchase for which he had scant use .
4 ‘ Because , as it turns out , you 've developed the intelligence I expected of you , and I suppose there 's some excuse for what you were at nineteen .
5 ‘ We need a vote , ’ put in Lord Beddington suddenly , deciding this was a legal matter , ‘ to vote whether we have another vote for which we need your casting vote . ’
6 Why not drive straight home here and now and escape this humiliation for which I have , inexplicably , volunteered ?
7 Beside this , the very persistence of the term is itself worthy of interest and on academic , moral and political grounds any resolution of the uncertainty that surrounds the value of the concept of the inner city must surely start by taking on this vocabulary for what it is .
8 Now , ( iii ) for someone to be entitled to say that something is the case he must have some basis for what he says .
9 Parents or relatives often make donations to their old public school or college as some repayment for what it has done for them , or in the hope that it may give their child a better chance of entry !
10 Because of his age and of coalition games of musical-chairs , he may nonetheless not win this post for which he has both the expertise and the gravitas .
11 It is the same with all new expressions : there is one colour for what the trainees need to understand ( what they will hear ) and another colour for what they will need to use ( what they will say ) .
12 ‘ A lot of bad things have been said but I 've fulfilled a lifelong dream this season for which I 've worked very hard . ’
13 Take my advice , appreciate this ride for what it is — a cultural experience — and try to relax . ’
14 We must recognize this policy for what it is , to turn Britain into the sweatshop of Europe .
15 These two-dimensional planes cutting through nine-dimensional genetic space give some feeling for what it means to walk through Biomorph Land .
16 This offence for which you have been found guilty
17 But , tell me , Captain Owen , what do you expect would be the nature of this information for which you are prepared to pay so high a price ? ’
18 For either he had to obtain another document for which he had to apply to the court and would be given by its clerk .
19 The expression of pain in his face became something else entirely : in some part horror , in some part awe , but in the greatest part some sentiment for which she knew no word .
20 We may find unifying principles in patterns of gene activity , gradients , signals , modes of movement , but there is still much variety for which we have no explanation whatsoever .
21 She expresses much appreciation for what she considers beautiful and is beginning to show and receive affection .
22 He thought that the answer to such questions was of little consequence for what he wanted to say .
23 We should respect each other for what we do .
24 We 've accepted each other for what we are . ’
25 We recognized each other for what we were .
26 Mark my words , he feels as guilty as all hell for what he did , which explains the verbal abuse .
27 And , to descend to crude practicalities , you are going to get very much less money for what you have done , though it is only fair to add that if you are lucky and clever enough to create a story that catches editors ' fancies then it can be anthologised time and again and in the end bring in perhaps as much as a full-length book that has failed to get wide paperback sales .
28 ‘ Maybe if I played with another side I 'd get more recognition for what I can do .
29 Every single one of them turned round at that meeting and said , will you go and beat the out of that government for what they 're doing to us .
30 ‘ I hate that man for what he did to me . ’
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