Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] of [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He always worked very hard on the training pitch when he was at Tottenham , but he did n't always have that bit of luck a keeper sometimes needs .
2 each measure of time a perfect
3 At each level of analysis a set of tasks could be devised of different orders of complexity .
4 Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon .
5 She was n't risking that kind of insanity a second time .
6 But faced with that kind of opposition the Yek would simply re-form and attack again , learning from each engagement until either they discovered how to defeat their adversaries or they were wiped out .
7 Lee Doherty summed it up afterwards when he said : ‘ We 'll settle for the 3–1 win , but you would n't want to be watching that kind of football every week .
8 She gave that piece of gallantry the scorn it deserved .
9 I 've just got another bit of paper a note saying please note while you are at college you are asked to do four hours overtime and that 's not a contract , it 's just a letter .
10 In this kind of novel the act of narration is modelled on a speech act in which one person tells a story to another .
11 It is that if governments did not do this kind of thing the probability of their interfering in the workings of the market economy would a that much greater .
12 On this kind of scenario the bill for damages potentially runs into millions of pounds .
13 In this kind of analysis the firm is often represented as a family in which respect for male elders is expressed by using seniority as the least disruptive and most predictable basis for internal promotion .
14 Not surprisingly , under this kind of control the UDCs have tended to pursue market-orientated strategies within their designated areas ( Ward , 1987 ) .
15 In this kind of office the variety of requests for service is probably such that it would be necessary to provide a set of categories of the main kinds of activities or functions .
16 In this kind of organization a directive style would be seen as quite out-of-place .
17 For a more complete account of this field of work the reader is referred to Ellis and Grieger ( 1977 ) , Dryden ( 1984 ) .
18 A broad awareness of the details of initial teacher education will not be of great assistance to a school other than to bring into some kind of focus an activity which used to appear to be both distant and unrelated .
19 Now when we get round to this subject this afternoon of fire a lot of people think that fire is a modern invention .
20 At this level of support the electoral system begins to work very handsomely in a party 's favour , and Labour came first in over three-quarters of the wards .
21 Even to maintain this level of self-sufficiency a major exploration and production effort will be required with the drilling of some 250 wells a year costing some A$1 billion .
22 At this level of causation the outcome with a different personality at No. 10 would have been different ; but is that historical reality ?
23 At this level of production the program is useful only to its creator and can not be disseminated further .
24 The bar chart that was the result of the survey we did you need to look at that piece of work and ask yourself a question , is this piece of work the best thing I have ever done ?
25 Ryn station was one of his favourite haunts , or rather its approaches , ‘ the cinder path with the poplars … then the ditch full of duckweed , then the brown-grey soil of spaded potato fields , or plots planted with greenish purple-red cabbage … behind this stretch of ground the red-rusted or black rails in yellow sand ; here and there stacks of old timber — heaps of coal — discarded railway carriages . ’
26 On the other hand , a critic who represents object texts in a mode akin to free indirect speech operates under an obligation to represent with some degree of fidelity the texts that he or she purports to ventriloquise .
27 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
28 I shall return to this issue of determinism a little later , but first I shall take a brief look at some of the themes in empirical research on gender and education .
29 Furthermore , because of this distrust of abstraction the conservative ‘ neither understands those spontaneous forces on which a policy of freedom relies nor possesses a basis for formulating principles of policy ’ .
30 Manning calls this conceptualization of work the ‘ threat-dangerhero ’ syndrome ( 1977 : 302 ) , which he believes is widespread amongst those who discharge ‘ Anglo-American policing ’ , while Reiner refers to it as ‘ old-fashioned machismo ’ , which he argues is widespread within the occupational culture of the police ( 1985 : 99-100 ) .
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