Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [ex0] was no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In this case there was no such evidence with the result that the court did not decline to hear the case .
2 Described in court as a hard and callous woman who hated her husband , in this case there was no sympathy for the killer at all .
3 The other new county , Cleveland , was also created to deal with large-scale planning developments , though in this case there was no thought of a major population expansion .
4 Mr. Collins recognised that this could be so , but said that a least there must be a duty to consider whether time admits of the receipt of representations and in this case there was no such consideration by Lautro .
5 Mr. Collins recognised that this could be so , but said that at least there must be a duty to consider whether time admits of the receipt of representations and in this case there was no such consideration by Lautro .
6 In this study there was no significant difference in the diagnostic performance of doctors and non-doctors ; in fact , this study indicates that the team members ' experience of working in the community team is a more important determinant of diagnostic accuracy than their professional background .
7 In this study there was no significant difference in serum cholesterol concentrations of total , LDL , and HDL cholesterol in samples taken from patients with early and late disease .
8 Thus until this study there was no clear explanation for constipation in CIP .
9 During this period there was no such thing as ‘ evil ’ .
10 At this point there was no conception of ‘ slum clearance ’ of purpose-built council dwellings , although since 1980 the authority has in fact demolished dwellings at Dockwray Square , Killing worth Towers , Hunter 's Close and elsewhere .
11 After this point there was no further significant increase in response time .
12 In August we had a very happy weekend with Rob 's family in the Lake District , and this Autumn there was no need to move far from here , for I have never known an Autumn like it for sun , and abundance of colour which lasted , slowly getting deeper and richer , for about 10 weeks .
13 For this reason there was no resistance when Lord Hailey urged the RCM to take on Sir Charles Stead , another old India hand , as executive director .
14 In this encounter there was no time for swordplay or skill .
15 This way there was no pressure to volunteer .
16 I know my husband would have taken the door down , and used a plane , but this way there was no mess . , .
17 And this year there was no use even in making promises .
18 This time there was no froth to fold into it .
19 This time there was no relief .
20 This time there was no hanging back on his part .
21 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
22 This time there was no response from the congregation .
23 Right , is there any other business ? ’ and this time there was no reply .
24 This time there was no money to be won , and before term finished he went to see his professor , William Fleming .
25 By this time there was no need for me to deny hunger : I felt none .
26 This time there was no confusion .
27 This time there was no trace of expression in Andropulos 's face : Talbot wondered if he , Andropulos , had become aware that such changes in expression were being sought for .
28 Only this time there was no Victor , only the emptiness of his own fear and his own death .
29 This time there was no Balestre to rant and rave .
30 Between September and December 1929 share values fell by some $40 000 million , and this time there was no recovery .
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