Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] ['s] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , males are sexual opportunists and if they come across another male 's female they will try to mate with her .
2 This means that when they watch another group 's work they are affected by what they do , they 're all working within the same fictional context .
3 If you follow this day 's eating you will get through only 2,778 calories .
4 there 's the banker , What 's with this banker 's order I do n't deal with a banker 's order .
5 German young people recently have shown a more revolutionary and radical sort of behaviour than one would have dreamt possible in the old Germany , but in this morning 's paper I read of the results of erm a public opinion poll recently conducted by the German government about neo-nazism in Germany , showing what seems to be a rather alarming quantity of surviving interest in sympathy for old nazism .
6 On the other hand , he clearly looks to God as his Father , and into this Father 's hand he commits his spirit when he dies .
7 In this month 's Surgery we shall be describing a simple method of measuring unknown capacitors .
8 For this month 's Esquire he has interviewed former South African hit man Dirk Coetzee ( page 82 ) .
9 In this month 's column we 're taking a close look at jazz chord concepts .
10 In this month 's safari we focus on the Dragonfly Nymph
11 In this month 's competition you could win a prize patio worth £3,000 , designed and built by a Chelsea medal-winner
12 In this month 's SMALLHOLDER we focus on organic growing .
13 In this month 's article we will concentrate on some examples where the double stops are all derived from chords .
14 In this month 's article I will be discussing this and in passing we can look at the wider aspects of how techniques and paddle strokes are developed .
15 After 10 minutes of this week 's edition I was too embarrassed to go on listening .
16 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
17 If she dreamed of him again it would be this man 's face she would see .
18 such as this year 's figures you know they 're not paying you to somebody over the phone and expect to remember of course they ca n't so I 've got the detail that I need to keep looking at , and there about that 's about it .
19 The way their luck has run in this year 's competition it is no idle dream .
20 The way their luck has run in this year 's competition it is no idle dream .
21 Erm in order to meet a commitment which is the same as this year commitment then last here increasing last year because this year 's commitment we will not reach this year therefore , we 'll be into deficit !
22 The Farm seem to be this year 's Band You Love To Hate , but their version of ‘ Do n't You Want Me ? ’ is by no means the throwaway novelty it has been presented as being .
23 i implant and yeah that kind of thing and er whereas , you know , in this guy 's view it would erm involve the erosion of , of the whole culture of sign language
24 I shall be drawing a considerable sum in a few days but you must know how it is , travelling the country as we old soldiers do … thank you … ten pounds will be quite sufficient … and you must let me spend some more of it in your excellent company … that evening 's entertainment we enjoyed together , Mr Wood , ’ his voice rose in the small hallway and the other guests and servants indoors and out strained noticeably to catch what would surely be the eloquent testimonial of a compliment , ‘ was one of the , shall we say , most boisterous and wise , a rare combination , Mr Landlord , I have spent , whether in London , in Europe or in and out of ships and foreign postings in a long lifetime .
25 At the beginning of each day 's trading you will be given a small amount of money ( eg £20 ) in small change , to put into the till .
26 With a knowledge of each other 's roles they are able to predict and comprehend the actions of the other .
27 For that day 's class she had taken her own watercolours , bought with the Visacard in Reading …
28 Petty had already intimated that he might not be able to continue his attendance at the debates further ( after 29 October ) , but before the end of that day 's proceedings he explained why ‘ we [ the Levellers ] would exclude apprentices , or servants , or those that take alms , it is because they depend upon the will of other men and should be afraid to displease [ them ] ’ .
29 Then it 's that person 's prerogative it 's up to him if he wants to show everyone else where the water is .
30 And as they went on , you know , it was gradually working up and so therefore the graph , each man 's productivity you know , was rising .
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