Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [vb mod] be an " in BNC.

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1 Thus it has actually been held that murder can be an ‘ accident . ’
2 A sentence of this kind would be an interesting test for advanced foreign students of the English language because it is not merely unepigrammatic but devoid of meaning .
3 This case may be an example , more physical than usual , of what Arnold Wesker calls ‘ Lilliputianism — the poisonous need to cut other people down to size . ’
4 This reliance can be an inducement to laziness of vocal effort , and people are often more capable of good unaccompanied singing than they realise .
5 This singularity would be an end of time , at least for the star and anything on it .
6 This course would be an additional support to that process .
7 Whilst this provision would be an improvement on the present law , threats may not always be easy to establish .
8 Because this provision could be an instrument of oppression against individuals , Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson wanted to resist its application .
9 It is expected that the results from this research will be an input into Czechoslovak decision-making .
10 Marked animals have survived three years as adults , so this figure may be an under-estimate .
11 However , it should be remembered that this figure will be an underestimate in the sense that it excludes occasional users — ‘ chippers ’ and ‘ dabblers ’ .
12 This figure can be an estimate or a calculation based on the specification of the media unit .
13 The absence of specific Iga response to Giardia heat shock antigen in patients with chronic infection suggests that the development of IgA antibodies to this antigen may be an important factor determining parasite clearance .
14 The goal of this proposal would be an empirical investigation , informed by the perspective of this ‘ new ’ sociology of scientific knowledge , of how the uncertainty always potentially present in research and development is dealt with in practice .
15 Usually this security will be an insurance company indemnity guarantee .
16 Fortunately , John 's present lender , Bradford and Bingley does not charge a redemption penalty , although this charge can be an expensive shock to some remortgagors .
17 ‘ I saw that this cataclysm must be an expiation for some barbarous crime of civilization , some terrible human lie .
18 Recommended music : A useful opening for this assembly would be an extract from one of Beethoven 's pieces composed after he had begun to go deaf .
19 The source of this advice will be an indicator of the cultural shift in the NHS : will the advice be tendered by a single expert of directorial status on the Executive — a ‘ general management ’ culture — or collectively by an Authority in the traditional manner — a ‘ consensus ’ culture ?
20 To say that Lanfranc was convinced by this argument would be an understatement : he seems to have been simply overwhelmed by it .
21 A consequence of this policy should be an expansion of German and Spanish teaching at the expense of French .
22 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
23 Practice daily for fifteen or twenty minutes and you will then find that this word can be an effective means of blocking out unwanted thoughts and relaxing the body .
24 He also suggests that this reductionism should be an end goal of physics ; scientific discovery is not about an expansion or a reaching out , but a narrowing in .
25 This address could be an actual physical address , that is , the disk cylinder , track and block number where the data is held , or some sort of relative address : relative , that is , to the beginning of the file .
26 This book will be an excellent help in situations where bilingual language helpers are available , and where the language is already written and analysed .
27 This transition may be an important growth-regulatory step , as Myc activity is sufficient to commit cells to the cell cycle or the apoptotic pathway , although Myc and Max may also be regulated by phosphorylation .
28 I had often felt that this smallholding would be an ideal place to live ; only a mile outside Darrowby , but secluded , and with this heart-lifting vista of river and fell .
29 Another feature will be an exhibition of portraits by Zsuzsi Roboz of great British artists , and the launch of a book by Edward Lucie-Smith both entitled British Art Now — A Personal View .
30 This section should be an attempt to find a position which might be attained , albeit not without some difficulty , and neither only a slight improvement on the existing situation nor hopelessly out of reach .
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