Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 We 'll close this switch cos otherwise it 's a very simple answer .
2 Unlike in the early 1960s , section 1 of the Official Secrets Act was not employed against the protesters at any point during this period though clearly it could have been .
3 There are many walkers , both locals and visitors who would like to use this road if only it were safe to do so .
4 The same is true of some of the bids , we 've allowed more bids this year than perhaps it was the case in the past .
5 Erm well it depends erm the , the economics of power production are extremely erm er complex and , and t to a certain extent arbitrary erm and erm I mean there , there are various ways that the government can actually get out of this fix because obviously it 's caused a lot of concern to close the , the mines , and one is actually to , to subsidize the mines and put the price on to electricity bills er the other is to subsidize the mines er but pay for it out of the , out of , er out of taxes so it 's a basic , instead of paying for it on your electricity bill , you pay for it on your tax bill , yeah .
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