Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] we " in BNC.

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1 Transactions of this kind must make us pause before we condemn all landlords as Gradgrinds , or make too large assumptions about the nature of medieval serfdom .
2 This experience will serve us well and hopefully he will form a good partnership with Lenny Johnrose , another player from Preston . ’
3 A timely reminder of the potential bio-hazards facing members , this study should remind us all that we deal on a daily basis with chemicals and micro-organisms which can cause much harm and ultimately lead to ill-health .
4 This rule will allow us to work out the optimum plan for the group .
5 This investment will keep us up there competing at the top level .
6 Y'know , we 've been dead and buried as far as a lot of people are concerned , but this album will put us back up there .
7 This programme will help us to keep on improving the quality of our service , ’ explained Lockett .
8 The existence of this gap may help us to explain the links between legal positivism , utilitarianism , and the influence of French sociological positivism .
9 Er then to er put er against the background as the District Council last last week were being told our budget will cost us er to er accidents and of course what this exercise would cost us , three hundred and fifty thousand is the amount very close that some of you just want to spend on the doing traffic calming over the next year year .
10 One night I had a vivid dream that to correct this error would bring us the wind .
11 This move will enable us to work closely with Slovak authorities and industry in the fields of hazardous waste management , decommissioning , land remediation and reactor safety , as well as energy strategy and efficiency , plant life management and industrial risk management .
12 This move will help us combat the traders putting many rare plants at risk . ’
13 This distinction can help us to give the best version of logical empiricism .
14 This device should give us a single analysis in about five minutes rather than ninety as at present as we do n't need to separate the mixtures , we can do the analysis directly .
15 This point can help us understand the contradictions within recorded popular music : the fact that there is no simple return to oral techniques ; that the record form carries a vast range of content types ( including ‘ literate ’ ballads related to bourgeois traditions ) ; that production methods also differ widely , often using written components as well as ‘ oral ’ techniques ; that the modern recording studio is actually more suited to producing precisely synchronized rhythms and textures , and complex structural processes , than is notation ( as well as being suited also to other things ) .
16 But this conclusion should lead us to an accommodation between dualism and monism rather than the rejection of one in favour of the other .
17 At very least this habit will get us out of a rigid frame of mind which only looks at the problem in away determined by experience .
18 This notice will tell us which floor it 's on . ’
19 ‘ However , this strategy will enable us to respond efficiently when recovery comes , with our skilled staff and the necessary machinery in place to increase production to required levels , while maintaining the quality standards that are part of the Company 's heritage . ’
20 The explosion of a pound of high explosive in this wardroom would kill us all .
21 Although the scribes no doubt made ‘ errors ’ , it should be possible to investigate variable texts in extenso to determine the extent to which variation in spelling ( or indeed in other linguistic dimensions ) is in fact orderly , and whether this variation can help us to work out what might have been happening in spoken English at the time .
22 I pray that this spirit will pull us through these difficult times .
23 Opposition to the deal built up because of fears that this plutonium would free US stocks for use in its weapons programme and so indirectly help US weapons expansion .
24 This love will undo us all .
25 The black activists ' struggle for human rights within South Africa is one that this union must support we must look to support their unions in every way we can with both resources training and financial support .
26 Then a single transformation to a frame with this acceleration would enable us to impose a frame in free fall everywhere ; this is the situation described by SR .
27 This project will help us to confirm or reject this hypothesis .
28 This project should enable us to say how far the characteristics of the individual ( their feelings of originality , efficacy , conformity , alienation , anxieties , and so on ) account for their political and economic values and activities and how both relate to social position .
29 Yet it is not arbitrary that the idea of this particular should remind us of these and not other particulars , and that these and not the other particulars should have the same name used of them .
30 Subsequent chapters of this book will provide us with plenty of reasons for doubting that claim .
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