Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Goschenen then is the place of decisions : whether to take the tunnel through to Italian-speaking Ticino and southern climes , or to proceed to Andermatt on the old Gotthard road which now climbs sharply up to cross the Reuss tributary and after some hairpin bends enters the forbidding rock walls of the Schollenen gorge which took centuries for road builders to master , first by bridle paths on suspended plank bridges and in more modern days by tunnels and galleries as well as daring bridges Emerging from the gorge the road crosses the Reuss waterfall on the " Devil 's bridge " and enters the wide Urseren valley in which Andermatt lies , occupying the strategic position at the " crossroads of Switzerland " or even of Europe — where the main west-east route carved out of the high alpine massif by the Rhine and Rhone rivers crosses the north-south route gouged out by rivers Reuss and Ticino .
2 This Stirlander bowmen wears a green and yellow uniform .
3 There is a strong danger of a mountain ‘ twitcher ’ emerging , who like some bird fanatics finds a tick in the book more important than the joy of climbing the hill .
4 The inclusion of such trading lags makes the arbitrage risky , as the mispricing at the time the arbitrage position is established is unknown when the decision to trade is taken .
5 Each of these course occurrences has a number of module occurrences associated with it .
6 HIV is found in the blood and semen or vaginal fluid or a person with HIV or AIDS in sufficient quantity to infect another person , but only if the virus within these body fluids enters the bloodstream of the other person .
7 Extensive stretching of the crust above these granite intrusions produces a faulted terrain with active volcanoes .
8 If the purpose of these ivory carvings remains a matter for discussion , it is evident that Upper Palaeolithic man began the custom of using ivory as a medium for animal and human sculpture which has lasted down to modern times .
9 When placed within the context of a whole word , the combination of these candidate letters forms a ’ lattice ’ , from which the correct word must be extracted .
10 In addition , the basic design of all prayer rugs reproduces the physical area of the mosque .
11 The embedding of transferable skills through modularisation by the inclusion of ‘ enterprise ’ in all University courses remains a key element of the Enterprise Centre 's programme .
12 How many FM voices has the Thunder Board
13 But Sartre 's dispensing with all historicist schemas creates the problem of how , between two autonomous and contradictory totalizations , there could be ‘ one dialectical intelligibility of the ongoing process ’ ( II , 13 ) .
14 The complex nature of policy provision for many policy arenas involves a large number of actors in local authorities , central government , voluntary , bodies , pressure groups , inter-governmental bodies , local authority associations , professional bodies and so on ( see Hambleton , 1986 ) .
15 This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched .
16 The membership of the Research Defence Society includes scientists , clinicians , dentists , veterinary surgeons and also members of the public , who believe that the pressure from the antivivisection movement to stop all animal experiments presents a fundamental threat to progress in biomedical and biological research and in the development of new treatments for diseases .
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