Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Another computer programme that has been designed for work on texts is INTERLINEAR TEXT ( IT ) .
2 Well , I have been following this mailing list and have yet to post a message , but am sad to see that it is under these circumstances that I post my first …
3 Glastonbury was certainly upset , although that did n't stop him nodding off on several occasions ; Fagg was enraged — the term ‘ bloody fellow ’ came up frequently ; Fishbane was considered ; the Commander spluttered a lot and Chatterton said very little except to draw on his memory of some committee problem that had arisen in 1964 .
4 Ah , but I mean you do you ai n't gon na get the experience , I phoned this job line that 's been advertised on the telly this week and erm it 's like second chance , you can go and have erm experience , get experience
5 Some damn printing shop or some job shop that had n't bought a new type since nineteen fifty or eighteen ninety .
6 In small States it was often possible for the ruler to express very effectively by his own actions this paternalist view and to have some more or less personal contact with an appreciable fraction of his subjects .
7 AVMD helps in this marketing operation and has most of the major US drugs firms on its client list .
8 Yeah his got to do another stress test and have more level .
9 Jonathan wants this erm this Lego set that 's got well I have got it actually and it 's a big lorry
10 In 1949 , he had become a Jordanian citizen and in 1954 secured some family money that had been locked in Jaffa bank accounts , making him ‘ not a rich man , but living ’ .
11 They are looking at some wire wool that has rusted .
12 As there is a split in his Cabinet will he get off his backside , stop swanning around that desert island and have the money paid ?
13 Well this week has the shortest day before the end of the year so light is at the premium and erm I would wash the glass quite often now of the glasshouse and greenhouse because er especially the outside to remove any of that winter grime that 's collected and let some light into those plants .
14 Ship-building was a great consumer of steel ; by 1914 Great Britain alone had as much steam tonnage as had the whole of Europe in 1880 and was launching another 2 million tons a year .
15 You may , to put it crudely , want to have your heroine trip over that briar root but have set your story in a desert of soft shifting sand .
16 It can be used by portfolio managers wishing to create displays for individual clients , including the percentage changes between specific dates and graphs of each price history and has already proven popular with City stockbrokers who prefer to scan graphs rather than lists of prices .
17 • Laguna Beach resort , Thailand ( when complete , will include four five-star hotels , golf course , shopping/entertainment complex ) 1000 acre site with six salt water lagoons and three km of beach : originally this highly polluted abandoned tin mine was identified as devoid of all tourism potential but has been turned into a profitable , attractive tourist resort managed to strict environmental criteria .
18 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a latter day symptom that has affected keyboard operators and kite flyers alike .
19 It has all party support and has reached Report Stage .
20 was that though , that passenger vessel that had been sunk then ?
21 In general , the sale was characterised by more trade bidding than has been evident over the past year , while competitive bidding between private collectors was responsible for the morning 's most surprising result : £21,000 ( $31,500 ; est. £6,000–8,000 ) for Joe Tilson 's ‘ Ziggurat 1967 ’ ( lot 79 )
22 Cereal farmers are using less nitrogen fertiliser and have changed the way that they apply it in direct response to concern over nitrogen pollution , according to a report form the Home Grown Cereals Authority .
23 Mr Paul Whelan , the party 's organisation officer , claims 10 times as much is spent chasing each expatriate vote as has been devoted to encouraging each unregistered adult living in Britain to claim theirs .
24 So Bartle may have been a corn spirit , christianised to become St Bartholomew whose day falls at the right time of year , or even a former village priest as has been suggested .
25 ‘ Dorothy Perkins is moving in from its Northgate store the former post office and has already let that building again , ’ he said .
26 Oh I went past there not so long ago and that radio station that 's got no listeners in Yorkshire has a huge advertising thing there .
27 Sheepmeat and beef would be subject to the same quota regime as had applied to the dairy sector since 1984 [ see p. 33161 ] .
28 Any management training that has been available for ryokan has been almost entirely ‘ in house ’ up to now , although the whole area of hotel management training is being rethought in Japan .
29 Public radio provides several models where community , education and special interest groups have shared the same broadcasting licence and have operated successfully .
30 The same flood tide that had brought such a good harvest of tiles heaped a mass of driftwood onto the Reach .
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