Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 We are gathered here a little before Christmas to perform our annual fishing industry pre-ministerial Council season 's service — that litany of woe from every corner of the kingdom — telling of sad tidings of discomfort and no joy in the industry .
2 The treatment is based upon a discovery , made in Oxford , that absorption of fluids from the intestine of the rat is stimulated and improved by adding these sugars to the intestine .
3 Mr Ferguson admitted the game was ‘ something of a grind and we needed that flash of brilliance from Kanchelskis .
4 The other is to add together all the personnel costs for each kind of worker from the original job advertisement through to the retirement or redundancy payments .
5 For the courts have repeatedly ruled that discrimination against waste from other states violates the interstate commerce clause of the American constitution .
6 ‘ You got me all wrong , Malamute , ’ SHe said , ‘ I do n't need that kind of support from you .
7 I 'm afraid you 'll have to wake up to the fact that that kind of man from that kind of a family would n't know the meaning of love . ’
8 You do n't get that kind of behaviour from me . ’
9 ‘ But listen , I do n't take that kind of lip from anyone , understood ? ’
10 I find it a little difficult to take that kind of question from an hon. Gentleman who said that we ought to eat New Zealand apples and refuse to eat British sausages .
11 But I almost owe it to the reborn me not to take that kind of shit from any man again .
12 I was hooked , I knew my singing was n't good enough to evoke that kind of reaction from an audience .
13 It was humiliating , and she had not expected that kind of reaction from him .
14 I was delighted to hear the right hon. and learned Gentleman refer to the work of his own police force in setting up a unit to receive that kind of report from women .
15 I mean , what what differentiates that kind of Ceilidh from from
16 And and I think I I 'm able to give that level of support from Selby District 's point of view .
17 No English autobiography of this period tells of that experience of powerlessness from the other side .
18 That glance of panic from her daughter Sally ?
19 Launching the report , UNFPA 's Executive Director Nafis Sadik said in London that loss of life from famine , AIDS and natural disasters would have no lasting impact on the burgeoning populations of Africa and Asia .
20 On the way down on that stretch of road from death one to death two I call them , the roundabouts I suddenly realised if we were going to have a rehearsal we needed to have a bouquet of flowers did n't we so I leapt out of the car picked some weeds tied them up with a piece of strong so that the chap of our staff who was going to be in front of me was going to hold them during the rehearsal whilst I dashed up to play first of all the Lord Provost and then the Queen or the Lady Provost as she then was .
21 Instead she dutifully lifted each weight in turn from the shoulder high into the air , staring steadfastly into her own cow-brown eyes .
22 The United States decided that isolation with Israel from the consensus of the whole world community was too high a price to pay .
23 This change of emphasis from cash to produce is probably the most difficult mental hurdle .
24 This change in attitude from exploitation to conservation was undoubtedly influenced by growing industrialisation and urbanisation and by the recognition of the need to manage catchments , water supplies , etc .
25 There was some support from respondents from all types of practice for applying the requirement to every firm , whilst others argued it should be limited to smaller firms and/or those in breach of the rules .
26 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
27 Newcastle upon Tyne had been an important medieval borough ; other places had been small market centres whose burgesses had obtained some measure of independence from their manorial lords .
28 Fran read on , deriving some measure of comfort from the less than flattering assessment , although in truth she knew that she was deliberately glossing over the more attractive aspects of the sign .
29 She added : ‘ This purchase of coal from Monktonhall emphasises our well-documented policy of choosing Scottish coal , providing the price is competitive and the quality is acceptable to the company . ’
30 We can see this kind of order from the way Portia sticks to the command made by her father although he is dead .
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