Example sentences of "[det] [vb -s] [pers pn] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I will pay the agency 's usual commission for your services , plus a bonus for any inconvenience this causes them in their scheduling .
2 The subject is similar — the Edwardian English abroad — but this shows them at their bigoted best .
3 This leads me to my only criticism of Potter 's version , its extravagance .
4 He thinks this keeps him on his mettle , but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word .
5 This keeps us in our place , although it frustrates us with a great deal of suffering .
6 This takes me into my second point : Advent means that through Christ this world has a destiny because God has poured into it his hope .
7 The fact that such intellectual activity is generally ascribed to two of the leading male characters is of less significance than what kind of ‘ other ’ activities the rest of the cast indulge in , and what this tells us about their contribution to the overall development of the plot and tone of the story .
8 This moves me to my second point , the desecration of creation .
9 Jones , who has played 52 Tests , said : ‘ I do n't know where this leaves me with my career and it 's going to be a pretty hard blow to get over .
10 And this brings me to my fourth point , and that is the notion of domestic — public opposition .
11 This brings me to my point : for as a pinkman columnist I can report seeing recently an article about ‘ the great Blackman Louis Armstrong ’ , a ‘ Wellwomans [ sic ] Clinic ’ at our local health centre ; and ‘ Funnyman Roy Hudd ’ .
12 This brings me to my third assumption .
13 This brings me to my third game , the ‘ social contract ’ game .
14 All this brings me to our getting here , to St-Jean .
15 We can therefore anticipate — and this brings us to our second theme — that the answers we seek actually lie elsewhere than in a simple equation between creative and mad thought .
16 This brings us to our last category , the encyclopedias .
17 This brings us to our final issue : who should carry out curriculum review ?
18 This brings us to our third ‘ ingredient ’ .
19 This brings us to our third point , that of geographical mobility as it affects different social groups .
20 This brings us to his third and final question , which is , should the law be used in all or some cases , and if only the latter , on what basis does one make the decision about where and when to intervene ?
21 This provides us with our next guideline .
22 You cough and swallow , and that gets it into your stomach , and it develops into an adult in the lower bowel .
23 Even when Samuel is facing death by having his throat cut in the Gents the exchange goes like this , ‘ Mother of Mary , that reminds me of my poor Joseph going .
24 And , as his brother , that puts me in your debt , too . ’
25 Well , that puts you in your place , Ms Galahad .
26 But that puts you in your place , dear .
27 That leaves you within my writ .
28 Can we just take check then there how that leaves us with our recurrent recruitment program .
29 That brings me to my next proposition .
30 And that brings me to my good friend , Ian Adamson .
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