Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] [adv] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This was just a little added bonus — Alan also received a 27 per cent pay rise .
2 This was just a very brief interlude in her life .
3 Incongruously , this was also a very happy period for me in many ways .
4 This was also a very popular subject ( one church inventory for 1748 , for example , lists 36 pictures of armed angels ) .
5 This was also the most expensive mode of travel ; the fare of £1.90 not only compares badly with the 90p bus fare , but was augmented by the £3 cycle carriage charge , the total coming to about the cost of travelling in by taxi !
6 This kind of repression was especially harsh in the Basque Country , for this was traditionally a strongly Catholic region and its support of the Republic had surprised many .
7 This was again a very painful operation in that she still suffered pain for many weeks thereafter .
8 I felt like deciding then and there never to get drunk again , but being so young I decided that this was probably a little unrealistic , so I determined not to get that drunk again .
9 This was probably the most famous and least useful dissection of a horse ever undertaken .
10 Thus while philanthropic work was for some integral to their feminist beliefs , for others it represented merely a diversion from household cares , a sublimation of other desires , or , and this was probably the most common motivation , a socially acceptable way for both married women and their daughters to engage in purposeful work .
11 Work of considerable quality and international interest was now produced in significant quantities in central and eastern Europe , and most notably in Russia , and this was probably the most striking change in the ‘ academic ’ map of the western world in our period , though no history of science in this period can be written without reference to some eminent North Americans , notably the physicist Willard Gibbs ( 1839–1903 ) .
12 At the time of the Council this was surely the characteristically conciliar expression which mattered most to the majority of people throughout the Church .
13 This was clearly a very bad joke , by some misguided person , or it was a mistake .
14 If the enemy was going to attack , this was always the most likely and dangerous time .
15 This was never a very promising argument , seeing that the notice is addressed to the defendants and not to the plaintiffs , and the defendants themselves have made it clear that they have no difficulty in understanding it and complying with it .
16 This was quite the most sensible arrangement ; it was more fun for the children too .
17 However , the majority of patients were prescribed psychotropic medication ; this was often the very same medication that was used in the subsequent overdoses .
18 This was certainly the most outstanding Vintage Extravaganza on the SVR , with the widest variety in both rail and road transportation .
19 This was certainly the most sustained attempt to reach the children of the lower orders before the Sunday School movement towards the end of the century , but its extent and consistency have been questioned by historians , some of whom doubt that it was a " movement " at all .
20 This was all the more prominent in operations rather than in childbirth .
21 This was all the more remarkable in view of the fact that : —
22 This was all the more so since the most fervent supporters of the League were precisely those traditional Liberal voters whose vacillations between the parties tended to determine the outcome of inter-war elections .
23 This was all the more important as many nationalised industries were operating in markets which were affected by long-term decline , where contraction and a low rate of return on capital were probably inevitable .
24 This was all the more important , by virtue of the fact that he was , in some sense , a usurper — he had toppled a descendant of Hercules and needed some rival god 's support for his own assertions of legitimacy .
25 This was all the more so , since part of the problem with which I was faced was due , as I recognized , to lack of forethought on my side , though it had been complicated by a stroke of ill-luck .
26 This was precisely the most important function of a composer recording .
27 In the CEGB 's tangle of arguments , this was perhaps the most bizarre twist of all .
28 At the time this was perhaps the most lavishly equipped school of its kind in the UK ( though there were many more lavish examples still in the richer areas of the USA ) but its strength was to be the participation of its library resource centre personnel and the head of resources in the in-service education of the teachers .
29 This was perhaps the most violent 2-year period in American industrial-relations history .
30 This was perhaps the most fundamental bone of contention between Adorno 's high modernist aesthetic ( Wellmer 1984–5 ) and what can be understood as Benjamin 's postmodernist alternative .
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