Example sentences of "[det] [is] [adv] just [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is not just because of the increasing domination of the visual over other media , as reiterated ad nauseam in discussions of the postmodern world , but is , more importantly , due to the specific characteristics of film .
2 This is not just because giving practical expression to such broad objectives in any meaningful way is inherently very difficult , it is also because the superstructure has to meet demands for close and detached accountability : to parents , to governors , to local education authorities and , of course , to the Secretary of State .
3 Unfortunately this is not just because the ideas will be taken up , but also because the savaging of the universities , especially the technically minded ones , will reduce the number of ideas .
4 This is not just because of the enormous scale of the demands which an ageing population puts on caring organisations .
5 This is not just because of the threat from disease , famine or a self-inflicted nuclear holocaust ; all social worlds are precarious in a deeper sense .
6 This is not just because of the inordinate number of calculations involved .
7 This is not just because the terms Whig and Tory were not to become current usage until the Exclusion Crisis , but because the political polarities which were emerging in the 1660s and 1670s — between Court and Country — did not predict the Whig–Tory split that was to emerge after the Popish Plot .
8 This is n't just where I live , it 's where I work .
9 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
10 Yeah I think , I think that 's probably just as well because erm let's say you know it 's being answered by somebody who 's gay themselves or lesbian themselves or you know kind of is , is heterosexual but has sort of anti-homophobic sympathies
11 that 's probably just as well , so it 's on , a couple of hours onto the service really is n't it ?
12 And that 's not just because you 're no great beauty . ’
13 but that 's not just because somebody was away for their dinner , it 's , if that person was back from their dinner
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