Example sentences of "[det] [vb mod] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The winners go on to the national finals in York , the winners of that may have a chance of selection for the Paralympics in Barcelona .
2 The rhizomes can be divided in late spring , to flower the following summer , ad each should have a bud or shoot on it .
3 So long as there is uncertainty about the matter , that must have a bearing on whether enforcement proceedings are taken by the Attorney-General up and down the country in a necessarily very large number of cases .
4 Some may have a thought , even a regret , for the ones that got away — those they might have married but now will not .
5 This may have a bearing on the ease with which it can be trained .
6 Changes in the normal oxygen/carbon dioxide levels occur in the lungs and , in the much longer term , this may have an effect on the acidity of the blood .
7 As though he had read her thoughts , Matthew said , " A house like this should have a ghost . "
8 ‘ A house like this should have a name , ’ she said , ‘ but I saw no inscription at the front . ’
9 This could have an effect far beyond Europe and contribute to the start of a new era in mental health for the world .
10 It may well lead to a major exodus of general practitioners from the capital ; this would have an effect opposite to the one Mrs Bottomley claims to seek .
11 In the early stages after sentencing , supervision would be strict , and because of this would have an effect upon the probation officers ' traditional , caring function , emphasising instead a more custodial role .
12 And of course when you was er was n't on guard duty at the f early evening , course there used to be used to pop into the Peel and have a couple of halves or some would have a pint and there was a chap in , in the Home , Home Guard he , he used to be able to play the piano so we used to have a singsong in there for a social , you know .
13 Half will have a condition called bacterial vaginitis , but many GPs ( and patients ) assume it 's thrush , which needs a quite different treatment , says Dr Peter Winterburn , of Cardiff University 's Biochemistry Department .
14 Members will be conscious of the fact that results for the Bank in Britain were substantially better than those predicted earlier and , of course , this will have a bearing on the outcome of discussions .
15 This will have a list of common matters such as the need to account to the client for any outstanding monies , and arrangements for storage and retrieval of papers .
16 Eventually such businesses will , on any improvement in the marketplace , be put up for sale , this will have a potential for further depressing the general level of prices .
17 This will have an effect on consumption and expenditure patterns .
18 In contrast to this , if the local authority receives a lump-sum grant , equivalent in size to the increase in income , this will have an effect on the local authority 's spending on X. The bureau takes full account of the grant to increase the reversion level of output by exactly the size of the grant , e.g. to in Fig. 11–9 .
19 Now this will affect a vast area of atmosphere , because the air moving over that sea surface tends to take up the characteristics and if the temperature 's higher on the sea surface than normal , the air becomes warmer than normal , and this sets up all sorts of reactions , it will probably produce a lot more clouds , for instance , and erm this in turn will cut off the sun 's rays from that area of atmosphere , and this will have an effect on the whole erm heat engine of the atmosphere as we know it so erm we 're now studying how far afield this is affecting the weather .
20 This will have an application ultimately , perhaps , to treatment of anaemia in people , although I know you 're working large on bacteria ?
21 Interestingly , if a Siamese cat is injured on one leg or its tail , and the damaged part is bandaged up while it recovers , this will have an impact on its coat colour .
22 Erm the rise was also the cue to check on erm pension increase and I felt you should 've asked a little bit more about the life cover , most companies do have arrangements for quite large sums of money to be paid out to dependants , this will have an impact on life cover planning in the future .
23 It 's a well known fact that aircraft are sold all around the world , this can have a bearing on the capability and also a bearing on their cost and therefore saleability .
24 I 'm just sitting wondering whether the in light of the problems we 've had in the Gulf , there 's no doubt about it the strengthening of the relationship between this country and the States is certainly there for all of us to see , so do you think that 'll have a spin off in terms of people wanting to come here and visit us ?
25 For example , he may want to see whether the chief constable has been making use of civilian resources as well as he should , and he might be saying to the inspectorate of constabulary , ’ If you can demonstrate a better use of money and resources through civilianisation , that might have a bearing on the availability of uniformed police officers . ’
26 Of all the advice she had received from the other creatures , taking away the dog 's food was the only one , she decided in the end , that might have a chance of succeeding .
27 ‘ I do n't think that professionalism as such should have a place within the playing side of the Association , ’ states the Dungiven clubman , ‘ We play for pure enjoyment and recreation and if along the way we manage to pick up a few honours , then that 's great .
28 Such would have a tendency to dry out or cool according to changing climatic conditions .
29 I think if the road was drawn very closely in to the greenbelt edge then that could have an effect on development pressures and it could lead to pressures for erm some er amendment the greenbelt boundary in in the future erm of plan making processes .
30 And to be anticipated these should have a capability of fulfilment , if only as fantasy .
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