Example sentences of "[det] [subord] i [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't have got to wear this if I 'd been a factory worker . ’
2 I know this because I have been glancing at a magazine called Rubiks printed in English and published in Budapest .
3 ‘ I know this because I have been here several times when I was younger .
4 But I think he 's tarmacked this since I 've been , no he has n't .
5 I was so relieved to hear this as I had been canoeing many times before and so could remain warm and dry while watching many of the younger cadets freeze to death .
6 But it wo n't be that much because I 've been out of things for the last year and before that I had shut my eyes anyway .
7 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
8 ‘ I suppose I could have got action like that if I 'd been a count , ’ she mused .
9 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
10 Last night , Ena Gilmour , Raymond Gilmour 's mother , of Hawthorn Avenue , Johnstone , said : ‘ I will allow myself to be slightly optimistic , I do n't put it any stronger than that because I have been let down before and I do n't want to let myself go too far this time . ’
11 So , of course , it was worth considerably more than I 'd been offered , and there were the most unpleasant suggestions flying around .
12 WHILE WATCHING the recent World Cup on television , I was struck , even more than I have been before , by how different are the demands on players in this form of cricket compared with the five-day game .
13 Look , Rory , I 've been wrong about a lot of things in my life , but never more than I have been about you , right from the start .
14 I put down a bit less than I had been drinking .
15 I mean once upon a time nothing was , but I 've spent two and a half thousand pound if not more since I 've been off work .
16 I 've smoked more while I 've been like this
17 Well , do you honestly think the answer would have been the same if I 'd been Norman Ward Westerman or Lord Boddy ? ’
18 And I had er had given myself a target of five thousand for Leith so I turned up the next and made my five thousand in fact I made five thousand and fifty signatures for the h and I believe myself if , if every branch were doing the same as I had been doing then we would have no problem at all in getting a hundred thousand signatures which is our aim .
19 Mr Clarke said last night : ‘ What I said after the meeting was exactly what I said at the meeting and exactly the same as I have been saying since the White Paper was published .
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