Example sentences of "[det] [subord] [n mass] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Analysts ' best guesses are that the underlying operating profits of the big city banks will be down by as much as 30% for the financial year now ending .
2 In the past , IBM sales have accounted for as much as 30% of the Marlborough , Massachusetts-based firm 's business .
3 Opinion polls conducted in the capital during the 1990 campaign suggested that Labour might receive as much as 50% of the vote overall , with surveys in individual boroughs presaging Labour gains in such key areas as Barnet , Wandsworth and Westminster .
4 As much as 85% of the materials should be on open access , and stock relegated to store should remain there for a trial period of five years before being returned to the main library , or transferred to a permanent back-up collection such as the British Library .
5 A gin and tonic could cost as much as £1.95 in the North and one penny more in the capital .
6 In these pulsars , γ -ray emission accounts for as much as 1% of the total neutron star spin-down energy , much more than emerges at optical or radio frequencies , so study of this emission is important in understanding pulsar emission and evolution .
7 Wedging itself against DEC 's DECpresents and Island Graphics Inc 's IslandPresents , which go for $795 and $1,000 respectively — Perspecta says its looking to steal as much as 20% of the market away from its competitors .
8 ( With the short loan period reduced to one week , Lancaster found that the 11 % of the monograph stock categorized as ‘ short loan ’ material generated as much as 47% of the open shelf borrowing . )
9 Sir Thomas 's father , Sir Lawrence Dundas , when active in the politics of the city of Edinburgh , was a notable supporter of charities and other good causes , contributing on one occasion as much as £1,000 for the raising of nine companies of Royal Edinburgh Volunteers for service in the American War of Independence , a contribution exceeded only by the city itself , which gave £ 1,050 .
10 It was estimated to do as much as 270mph on the 535hp Wasp , but on the Shell Qualifying Course managed 286 mph .
11 City analysts are forecasting that its contribution could be as much as £80m for the full year .
12 In the Marne valley the active lime content , which is not directly proportional to the total lime content , is high — up to 43% in the calcareous topsoil and as much as 53% in the pure chalk subsoil stratas — but the average active lime content is considerably lower .
13 Yet , while this may be as much as 70% of the cargo for major container carriers , it would apply to less than 30% of all international cargoes . ’
14 Levels of hydrocarbons in the environment of Sullom Voe and Yell Sound are in the range of 15 and 600 parts per million , compared with as much as 3000ppm in the Firth of Forth and up to 5000ppm around a North Sea oil platform .
15 According to managing director Richard Breakey the games market could have grown by as much as 30pc in the last year .
16 It has been suggested that millisecond pulsars contribute to the galactic γ -ray background , perhaps providing as much as 25% of the γ -ray flux at high galactic latitudes , although no millisecond pulsar has yet been detected at these energies .
17 A survey by NCC has revealed clearly that all of the woodland could regenerate itself naturally if sheep grazing was prevented or substantially reduced ; the cost of fencing for this purpose can be as much as £3,500-£8,000 for a 20 hectare wood depending on its shape and the terrain encountered , making the costs often prohibitive .
18 The commander of a ship , however , had additional perquisites which added to the value of his appointment , for it has been claimed that he could make as much as £1,500 in a single voyage from the fares paid by passengers , while he even had the right to sell for his own profit at the end of the voyage the dunnage , that is the bamboos and rattans employed to keep the cargo from shifting .
19 A signature may , however , if present as on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Low Countries drawings , add as much as 40% to the price .
20 Rhino penises can fetch as much as $700 on the open market , while powdered horn is prescribed for everything from high blood pressure to fevers , nose bleeds and insomnia .
21 Eventually they ran so far that mines were sited as much as 55m/60yds behind the first German line ; the longest , at Kruisstraat , ran for some 658m/720yds .
22 You may be surprised to find that gutters and downpipes are regarded as luxuries by most kit garage manufacturers , and having them as part of the kit can add as much as £150 to the price on large double garages .
23 The Hitachi array is expected to use quirky 6.5 ’ disk drives and is pitched at a market Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based EMC Corp has made its own with its Symmetrix product , which Gartner Group reckons may be taking as much as 10% of the current mainframe disk market .
24 It has been estimated that a tax on books and periodicals might add as much as £250m to the Exchequer .
25 Some game cartridges now cost as much as £65 and parents often end up shelling out as much as £160 for the cartridge and machine to play it on .
26 From 19 study trees in one season , fewer than 4% of the total of more than 430 000 seeds produced had a chance of establishing , for 6% were killed by the parrots , 66% fell under the mother trees and 24% germinated in close competitive clumps in faeces .
27 In 1980 , fewer than 6% of the total school population were attending assisted and independent schools — yet more than a quarter of University entrants continued to be drawn from private schools .
28 In the past five years that has happened in fewer than 15% of the cases ; not a single officer has been found criminally liable .
29 He describes his results as showing ’ limited ’ success ; with fewer than 50% of the mappings being correct .
30 ‘ In the case of a multi-national partnership of which fewer than 75% of the principals are solicitors , any overseas offices of the Practice shall be deemed to form a Separate Practice from its offices in England and Wales . ’
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