Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Some speak resentfully of a takeover by the Wessis , with themselves marked out for the role of second-class citizens .
2 In keeping with their true natures , some look out for a dealer who has passed it , and beg him to sit it again , for them .
3 Some predict up to a five per cent average rise by the end of the year .
4 Whereas more women than before can choose whether to work or not after the child-bearing years , raised expectations of living standards may make this feel less like a choice and more of a basic requirement .
5 The estimated savings are based on the claimant being 22 weeks off the register , but again some stay off for a year , and some return much sooner .
6 Babies like this thrive best in a restful , quiet atmosphere .
7 These grow naturally as a single , vertical stem and need absolutely no pruning .
8 The most violent eruptions in fact leave some of the least impressive landforms ; in extreme cases these consist simply of a broad depression surrounded by a plateau of ignimbrite .
9 At the edge of the eyes are a pair of long spines , and these point downwards at a steep angle , at very awkward attitude for resting comfortably on the sea floor .
10 These relate particularly to a pupil 's " mental … development " .
11 Second , part and parcel of the internal debates about the constitution of the Labour Party are larger debates about the limits and problems of the British constitution and these spill over into a case for reconstructing the British constitution itself in order to fashion a different kind of democracy and a third road to socialism .
12 The moment we walk out into the sun to play we all break out into a heavy sweat .
13 An apple tree grew flat against the wall on one side , and in spring , when it blossomed , it was like a huge , lacy fan all spread out in a froth of flowers and leaves .
14 It may be a cliché , but the compactness , the lack of weight , abundance and responsiveness of power , massively powerful brakes and rigidity of suspension all add up to a car that feels very much like a big kart .
15 A Whether they come in through the letterbox , under the door or around the windows , draughts all add up to a large heating bill .
16 The different combinations of colour , beautiful designs , textures , fibres and weaves all add up to a vast range of fabrics from which to choose and at enormously varying prices .
17 Well no , a mother , a mother might keep a family together in the sense that they all meet there on a Saturday
18 We all look forward to a comfortable future when we retire — with the time and money to enjoy a full life with family and friends .
19 Finely-chiselled features with high cheekbones and a generous mouth , all set off by a cascading mass of beautiful golden hair .
20 The peninsula is peaceful and pretty now , and many go there for a gentle but gastronomic tour .
21 There 's al , it 's like next Friday we 're all planning to go out but there 'll be fifteen of us , see we all go out in a big group .
22 Charities give varying reasons for entering the Annual Report and Accounts Award , from wanting to know if their report 's overall structure is moving in the right direction , to learning from specific judges ' criticisms , but in the end , they all boil down to a desire to improve the standard of their accounts .
23 All join up for a conga , ’ I called over the racket , and soon we had a long snake winding its way in and out of the tables and finally through the door .
24 After one or two attempts they can change over until all join together for a big finish .
25 Ten Joseph tunes line up alongside a poppy cover version of Curtis Mayfield 's The Other Side of Town ; all fall together under a common musical blanket that 's soft , funky , rolling and affectionate .
26 The head is made , erm , the tail , all the bits are made and eventually they , they all stick together like a kind of Lego , and the result is a new bacteria is made and this goes on until eventually the cell , there are so many inside the cell , that erm the cell just ruptures , when there 're about two hundred or so , the cell is now bulging with T four bacteria , it ruptures and releases a whole blob of new ones to start the cycle all over again .
27 Then they all settle down for a bit and design some mountains .
28 IXI believes other hardware vendors could be drawn into the initiative as many spend up to a million dollars maintaining their separate Motif developments .
29 Yes , we got those put in after a holiday near Rye .
30 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
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