Example sentences of "[det] [vb pp] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This compared with 80% of schools where there was a regional policy .
2 This compared with predictions by the International Energy Agency that the world market would only amount to 22,700,000 bpd in the year starting March 1992 .
3 A few dealt with disputes between citizens , while others had more regulatory than adjudicating functions .
4 These coupled with transitions with a firm but quiet insistence that the horse should not pull is the correct approach .
5 On this particular plane , the distances are all calculated with reference to the three anchor biomorphs .
6 They are all linked with parts of educational activity which fall within a typical institutional plan and are now largely covered in the requirements for the publication of comparative information laid down in the Education ( Schools ) Act 1992 .
7 They were all associated with Peace in different ways but a different type of peace in each case .
8 Further work will show how a high count of intraepithelial lymphocytes relates to gamme delta intraepithelial lymphocytes counts , and whether these are merely sensitive indices of mucosal delayed type hypersensitivity expression , and all associated with production of IL2 and gamma interferon , or whether high density of intraepithelial lymphocytes , the unusual up regulation of IgM and/or gamma delta T cell numbers are independent factors , perhaps genetically determined , relevant to the induction of a state of aberrant immunity to gluten , and thus directly to the pathogenesis of coeliac disease .
9 However they were all acquainted with Guinness in one way or another , either through friendships with the family or familiarity with the product itself .
10 It is vital therefore that those charged with responsibility for Equal Opportunities are consulted throughout the planning of the Compact development .
11 On Friday , Mr Husak announced a widesweeping amnesty which included a general pardon for those charged with subversion under the notorious Article 98 of the penal code often used to stifle political protest .
12 The highest rates were for those charged with theft of or from a vehicle ( 23 per cent .
13 We have every sympathy with the plight of those infected with HIV as a result of NHS blood or tissue transfer .
14 Those who now complain that these approvals were given too quickly overlook the sense of crisis which the spread of AIDS has engendered over the past decade , not to mention the eagerness of all concerned to match the pathos of those infected with HIV with anything that might be an effective medicine .
15 The greatest conservation problems , however , are those associated with changes in land use , particularly agriculture , including the drainage of wetlands and loss of heathlands and the increase of urban areas with their attendant rise in population and expanding leisure and tourist industries .
16 None of those associated with Cripps during the tenure of his wardenship can fail to have been touched by this outstanding man .
17 It should not escape our notice that it was not only successes on land but those associated with aspects of the war at sea which had contributed towards the satisfactory situation which he described .
18 The differences in cardiovascular mortality associated with head circumference and thinness at birth are not as large as those associated with weight at 1 year .
19 In the case of negatives , these factors are different from those associated with use of affirmatives , and in the case of passives these factors are different from those associated with the use of actives .
20 An extra £310 million would be allocated in 1991 and £1,250 million over three years to extend the existing system of transitional relief to those whose bills had increased by £100 per year or more ( £150 previously ) , benefiting a further 4,000,000 people in addition to the 7,500,000 already covered ; and adjustments were made to help those faced with charges for second homes or for joint business/residential premises and those in areas being phased out of the " safety net " arrangements applying in 25 local authorities .
21 The fear of performance reflecting cultural stigmas directed toward erective inadequacy was that associated with problems of secondary impotence .
22 The reduction in the ulcer area after treatment with intraperitoneal bFGF at a dose of 30 µg/kg/day was comparable with that obtained with omeprazole at a dose of 60 mg/kg/ day — namely , almost complete inhibition of gastric acid secretion ( Table II ) .
23 The Giovanni e Paolo and Novissimo were both inaugurated with operas by Francesco Sacrati ( d. 1650 ) , whose works , like Manelli 's and those of Benedetto Ferrari ( 1597–1681 ) , have all disappeared .
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