Example sentences of "[det] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Young said that now the trust had its core holdings , the second tranche of money would be invested more slowly with some held back for new opportunities .
2 This type of information used to be held on an IBM mainframe computer , but this closed down for financial reasons .
3 It must be remembered that for all its world status and the great influence it has upon the rest of the airworthiness authorities of the western world , the FAA is after all made up of fallible human beings .
4 SOUTH TYNEDALE Railway Diesel Day Chance to get all steamed up at unique collection of classic British industrial engines including ‘ Tiny Tim ’ and ‘ The Wickham Trolley ’ .
5 Niall Hammond , of the Bowes Museum , said the three trenches they dug all came up against Victorian foundations of a disused cellar .
6 It all came down to bloody money .
7 On collecting these names I began to wonder whether I was being taken in but so many came up on independent lists that the villagers sent in that I am sure they are authentic .
8 The kids at my new school all went round in little gangs , spoiling for a fight — nothing serious , just pushing other kids over and jeering at them .
9 After luncheon , we all went out to wonderful Centre Court seats , to watch the finals of the Men 's Singles between Ivan Lendl and Boris Becker , which Lendl , playing brilliantly , won in two straight sets 6–3 , 6–2 .
10 Next day we found a good army doctor who examined Rachel and said with care she would soon be well , the M & B had done its work , and then to add to our trouble you all went down with scarlet fever — caught on the boat I expect .
11 ‘ We all grew up with American films , but looking like me there was no way on earth that people would think I was an actor .
12 ‘ We all grew up with American films , but looking like me there was no way on earth that people would think I was an actor .
13 K. R. Whenever they had a raid on the Chinese gambling , they took them all in the cells and they all sent out for Chinese meals , and when they 'd all gone to the Main Bridewell in the middle of the night — ‘ 125 , scrub out ! ’ — and I had to take my tunic off and scrub out after the Chinese had been .
14 They also insisted that Kuwaiti machinations against Iraq ( started during the Iraqi-Iranian war ) such as violations of quotas for oil production , reduction of oil prices and the pumping of oil from the Rumeila Oil fields ( in disputed territory ) — all carried out with American backing — had led to this current conflict .
15 All struck out at random — a muddle of punching fists and kicking boots .
16 ‘ We 'll Meet Again' — all belted out with great fervour and sincerity in Vera Lynn 's street-singer tones .
17 Mizz Wilkes , eighty-something , said grace and we sat down , eight to a table , to tuck into some old-fashioned Southern cooking : fried chicken , gumbo , sweet potato , mashed potato , beef stew , cornbread , macaroni and every sort of vegetable , followed by banana pudding , all washed down with iced tea .
18 In Glasgow , Fazzi Brothers ' Caffe-Bar , adjoining the Cambridge Street branch of the family 's 70-year-old delicatessen business , fits in nicely with the Glaswegian notion of la dolce vita : sparky but unhurried conversation , compulsive people-watching , searching critiques of the nearby Sauchiehall Street shoe shops , and comparative study of each other 's purchases , all washed down with copious amounts of coffee and a plate of voluptuous cakes .
19 Ordinary life was halted to allow time for realization of the sorrow to penetrate the layers of defence that we all set up to blunt the terrible pain of loss .
20 They all wrapped up in white bandage stuff .
21 All wrapped up in irresistible humour and a zest for life .
22 She noticed that the horses drawing the ‘ olde ’ cabs were not all that well cared for , and several clinked along with loose shoes .
23 They both sat back with smug smiles on their faces and looked at Jacqui , like favourite uncles watching a child unwrap their Christmas present .
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