Example sentences of "[det] [be] say [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 They are communities in the sense that one has a sense of ‘ belonging ’ in them , and in the sense that Shetlanders belonging to each are said to be distinguishable by special characteristics in dialect or , less often ( and more humorously ) , by difference in mentality and general attitudes .
2 Some are said to be getting cold feet .
3 But how may this be said to be a Christology ?
4 This is said to be ‘ getting real ’ , being ‘ very Nineties ’ .
5 This is said to be the first house built in the village .
6 This is said to be the ‘ age of travel ’ .
7 Hindus know the cosmic energy as the kundalini or serpent force , and this is said to be coiled around the base of the spine in every human being .
8 All of this is said to be made easier by ( and possibly to have been a partial consequence of ) the introduction of information technology .
9 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
10 This is said to be a future three star route .
11 Quicklime slaked in urine and laid on the wood while hot , will also stain it a red colour ; and this is said to be the general practice with Windsor chair manufacturers in the neighbourhood of London ’ .
12 This is said to be one of the best angling waters in the Midlands although this nearly changed a year ago when a slug of pollution threatened to wipe out 100,000 fish .
13 This is said to be saving 1,000,000 bags per week — including 20,000 gallons of oil and 20 tonnes of plastic involved in their manufacture .
14 In addition , Wagaddon , publishers of the magazine , had its own legal bill , but this was said to be less than £35,000 .
15 This was said to be because of the risk of radioactive iodine emitted during the fire getting into people 's thyroid glands .
16 This was said to be ‘ the first Peruvian book of poetry that does not make tribute to a colonial aesthetic . ’
17 This was said to be ‘ erring wildly on the cautious side . ’
18 Too much sugar was being produced , so the excess was made into aguardente ( sugarcane rum ) but this was said to be causing alcoholism as the unemployed took to drinking cheap aguardente .
19 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
20 The Maréchal de Bassompierre , again a military man , after another brief embassy to London five years later , was given by Charles I " four diamonds set in a lozenge , and a great stone at the end " : this was said to be worth £7,000 and was perhaps the most valuable present ever given by any English ruler to a foreign diplomat .
21 There are many memories which are too painful , or too wicked , for the patient to remember without the aid of psychoanalysis , and these are said to be repressed .
22 One of these was said to be a £5m loan to Raper 's master company , the Hong Kong and Netherlands based Gasco Group .
23 Since the disagreement was only about the implicit extension of conventions they all recognized at a more abstract level , they could all be said to be soft conventionalists .
24 All were said to be members of the Jihad group behind the assassination of President Anwar Sadat in 1981 .
25 Up to twenty thousand a day are being allowed to cross into Jordan from Iraq , but thousands more are said to be waiting just across the border .
26 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
27 That is said to be no longer true in South Africa where a general feeling of ‘ tiredness ’ in the Church is alleged .
28 CELEX is open to the public and is available to subscribers by network , although that is said to be rather difficult to use .
29 However , there was one big kolkhoz consisting of 150 households only 20 versts from Roslavl' that was said to be too well satisfied with itself , and so did not welcome visits from the town .
30 The end stage of the pathway is represented by CD4 + CD8 - TCR high+ or CD4 - CD8 + TCR high+ cells ( both are said to be in single positive , or SP , stages ) , which are mostly immediate precursors of major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) class II-restricted helper T cells and MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells , respectively .
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