Example sentences of "[det] [be] [not/n't] just because " in BNC.

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1 This is not just because of the increasing domination of the visual over other media , as reiterated ad nauseam in discussions of the postmodern world , but is , more importantly , due to the specific characteristics of film .
2 This is not just because giving practical expression to such broad objectives in any meaningful way is inherently very difficult , it is also because the superstructure has to meet demands for close and detached accountability : to parents , to governors , to local education authorities and , of course , to the Secretary of State .
3 Unfortunately this is not just because the ideas will be taken up , but also because the savaging of the universities , especially the technically minded ones , will reduce the number of ideas .
4 This is not just because of the enormous scale of the demands which an ageing population puts on caring organisations .
5 This is not just because of the threat from disease , famine or a self-inflicted nuclear holocaust ; all social worlds are precarious in a deeper sense .
6 This is not just because of the inordinate number of calculations involved .
7 This is not just because the terms Whig and Tory were not to become current usage until the Exclusion Crisis , but because the political polarities which were emerging in the 1660s and 1670s — between Court and Country — did not predict the Whig–Tory split that was to emerge after the Popish Plot .
8 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
9 And that 's not just because you 're no great beauty . ’
10 but that 's not just because somebody was away for their dinner , it 's , if that person was back from their dinner
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