Example sentences of "[det] [be] [det] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Probably contemporary with this are some bronze shields with relief decoration of purely if crudely oriental character .
2 The explanation for this being that weather caused by frequent vigorous systems coming off a relatively warm Atlantic is not conducive to lengthy spells of severe frost .
3 The most obvious reason for this is that neuro-science has not yet reached the point where it is possible to describe language as a direct manifestation of underlying physiological of neurological states .
4 A straightforward explanation for this is that inflation affects all voters whereas unemployment tends to be heavily concentrated on ( as far as the UK is concerned ) areas not noted for extensive Conservative support .
5 This is that empiricism leads to verificationism , and verificationism embodies the foundationalist asymmetries .
6 This is that thing called change .
7 The implication of this is that context does not function to exclude candidates from the cohort .
8 This is all holiday dates here though , are n't they ?
9 This is enough information to identify the efficient benchmark project size as OE in Fig. 11–12 , where the difference between TB e and TC e is maximized .
10 This is more time consuming ; on the other hand it has the advantage of being secret .
11 This is more cash paid in from the last three weeks actually .
12 This is another monstrosity celebrated as a brilliant piece of architectural engineering .
13 This is another monstrosity celebrated as a brilliant piece of architectural engineering .
14 This is another CD to offer alternative takes , although far more moderately than the Savoys , and which provides yet more insight into the fascinating process of invention , modification and progression within a jazz recording session .
15 This is another attempt to waste parliamentary time — already 280 hours has been wasted in this way in the past two decades . ’
16 This is another attempt to imitate true ballad style , but this time it is more like a medieval ballad — ‘ bright and red / Uprose the morning sun ’ sounds like The Ancient Mariner .
17 It may have sounded odd to only have an 18in tube for a four foot tank , but this is another attempt to try to establish a more natural environment .
18 This is another reason to avoid small units — far better to have a single big unit than two small ones .
19 This is another reason to start off any flying training by emphasising visual references instead of the instruments .
20 This is another train arriving from London in April 1981 hauled by Peak No. 45128 , seen passing the overgrown cemetery at Neepsend .
21 ‘ If this is some trick to manoeuvre me into allowing anything to develop there … ’ he threatened .
22 This is some dilemma facing the manager but he can cope : the question is whether this gifted player can respond .
23 Another is that gravity does not seem to be renormalizable ; in order to obtain finite answers , it seems that one may have to make an infinite number of infinite subtractions with a correspondingly infinite number of undetermined finite remainders .
24 The problem with this was that neurotics flocked to him .
25 This was another system adopted from the private sector and was essentially one in which objectives were specified and quantified , potential conflicts identified , and opportunities provided to management to monitor progress and to evaluate results .
26 A ‘ very proud ’ Sharron Davies told reporters : ‘ The Queen said this was another medal to add to all the other medals I had won .
27 Here are some examples of how to apply for courses : these are all letters received by Dow-Stoker .
28 These are all words used in different areas when people are speaking in a friendly way .
29 These are both ices formed at normal atmospheric pressure .
30 But none of these are any proposals to reduce existing cash grants to voluntary bodies .
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