Example sentences of "[det] [be] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 This is approximately the same number as occur in Australia where the population is , of course , much smaller but the number of aircraft registered is approximately the same .
2 This is probably the same mosaic as that recently uncovered on the Clementhorpe site , York : pI .
3 This is just the same for systems like the Polynesian one , discussed by Engels , where large numbers of people can referred to by the same term as one 's father .
4 As far as the consumer is concerned this is just the same as a 15 per cent sales tax .
5 Why I 'm showing , I mean this is just the same as the table you had before but this time what I 'm showing you is the product of A ti A times B , the product of the two .
6 This is also the same stage in the disability career when most of the physical consequences of the ageing process typically start to take effect .
7 Incidentally , this is also the same sector of engineering that can help you with plating up and food/tray clearing conveyors and systems .
8 A child 's need to understand its situation is not going to destroy the new relationship : trying to live out the fantasy that this is exactly the same as a birth relationship may well do .
9 Again , just to remind you of waiver of premium , this is exactly the same as the Covermaster so you really wo n't need to cover , copy this , it 's charged as we established earlier , as according to your client 's age and sex I E how old they are and what gender they are , you can see how the percentage of the premium is established .
10 right , this is exactly the same we 're selling is n't it ?
11 This is exactly the same as the the existing A form is n't it ?
12 We are therefore at liberty to choose unc and then unc Elimination of p , 1 from these three equations yields unc Note that , since unc this is precisely the same as Equation ( 3 ) ; however , in the iteration case , it is only true when the iterations have proceeded sufficiently far for the terms in 3 , 4 to disappear , when cs consists only of p .
13 This is never the same as boarding the line 's ‘ prestige ’ service at your own station .
14 A rent of £50 was paid yearly , and this is still the same today .
15 This is basically the same anthropological journey pursued by Lévi-Strauss ( 1973 ) in Tristes Tropiques , which remains a suitable precursor for most of the current reflexive ethnography .
16 This is basically the same as Reverse Polish Notation as used on certain calculators , and follows directly from the stack based approach .
17 This is basically the same sort of thing as the filled legs on a horse that has stood in .
18 This is almost the same size as a conventional audio cassette .
19 This is almost the same as the average poll tax bill of £564 .
20 Although it is written in 12/8 , this is essentially the same as triplets in 4/4 .
21 This is essentially the same package as the DOS version of Graphics Workshop only it designed to run in windows 3.0 or higher .
22 This is usually the same as the person who is sending the message , but not always , as in the case of messengers , spokespeople , and town criers .
23 This was effectively the same as the Spanish Pyrenean of northern Navarre and had already been crossed to a large extent with Limousin and Garonnais before it finally disappeared into the Blonde during the 1960s , leaving only the rare Béarnais as a purebred remnant .
24 Oh this was always the same
25 In fact , if it were n't for the big blue logo and Oli Frey pic on the cover , there 'd be little to indicate to an early reader that this was indeed the same mag !
26 No notice , right with these are exactly the same as those now alright so what we 're going to do is we 're going to subtract right , if we subtract from a , subtract b from a all those terms that run off into infinity , we 're gon na drop out , okay .
27 Cos these are exactly the same except with a well and two erm those four holes missing .
28 Right , you got ta do it steady because all of these are exactly the same things are n't they ?
29 Many different argon laser techniques have been described , but after analysis these are essentially the same , with laser-tissue interaction times that exceed the ideal ( see below ) by at least one order of magnitude .
30 In East Punjab these were usually the same man , almost invariably a Brahmin by caste .
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