Example sentences of "[det] [conj] it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Britain is leading the way in this and it is hoped that other countries will soon follow suit .
2 Until recently , there have been no established codec standards and one system can only speak to another if it is using the same compression-decompression algorithms .
3 We do n't mind as long as we make I mean I prefer this because it is to order , we do n't make them to stock .
4 They have to do this because it is seen as impossible to have both low inflation and a high level of employment since the former requires a low level of demand whereas the latter requires a high level of demand to keep people in jobs making things for sale .
5 The effect of this when it is accepted is very far reaching because the more an idea is tested the more it is validated and criticism becomes not a threat but an opportunity to strengthen the idea ; and what is more important scientists cease to have the same proprietorial attitude towards in idea .
6 There can be no good reason to object to this when it is recognised that efficiency incorporates personal factors such as safety , health and quality of working life as well as system factors such as productivity and quality of work .
7 To have one standing in the corner of every room in the house is a tremendous help to an old person who can not bend ; although , of course , one will suffice , as it can be carried from one room to another when it is needed .
8 Similarly , even in that most abstract of arts , music , the playing of a musical instrument can inscribe the peculiar energy of the act of plucking , blowing or striking into its sound such that it is rendered unique or concrete .
9 Although this is designed for individual use , its flexibility and generality are such that it is seen as worth describing here .
10 When the marsh has built up to an elevation such that it is covered only by the highest tides , it is usually reclaimed for pasture by building a simple embankment around it .
11 What an extraordinary position has been reached in some Christian theology , such that it is thought , at least at a subconscious level , that somehow Christ and Mary are a pair , Christ male and representative of men , and Mary female and representative of women , was brought home to me by the following incident .
12 The problem for social policy-makers and for feminist commentators on social policy is whether to take that sexual division of labour for granted and plan neighbourhood services and housing design such that it is taken into account .
13 As a general rule , when the demand for a resource is such that it is allocated for two thirds of the available time , then programs spend twice as long waiting for the resource as using it .
14 This legitimation function is also its limitation in as much as it is tied to the prevailing ideology of the family which will inhibit the articulation of problems as structural , societal deficits : children and young people will become problems because their parents failed them .
15 However , unless you have some knowledge of the subject , it is just as easy to pay too much as it is to pick up a bargain .
16 Rupert Murdoch 's TV Guide could be in the strongest position , to scoop a lion 's share of the market , since it is already established , listing all satellite channels and as much as it is allowed in the way of BBC and ITV previews .
17 There is a 50 gallon mark on the 4′ tank but I have filled it higher than that and it is holding 65 gallons .
18 ‘ If Lennox does n't learn to crouch and get his right hand up more , Ruddock will zoom in on that and it is going to be all over .
19 So the it should be qu easier to sort these than it is to sort those .
20 Teacher support groups are increasingly being set up to provide the opportunity for greater honesty , and it can be less threatening for people who feel isolated to join one of these than it is to make individual overtures within their own staffroom .
21 Our view is that knowledge of BSL is a key to the curriculum and to the teacher 's function but that unless it is supported by appropriate methods the teacher 's role will be limited .
22 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
23 This has to be suggested to her with some care , without giving her the impression that you think her sudden collapse into illness is in any way imminent or inevitable ; and it should not be suggested at all if it is felt that it might upset or frighten her .
24 The best advertorial in the world will be of no value at all if it is aimed at the wrong audience .
25 ‘ After all when it is said and done ,
26 Nobody 's interest is served by the suppression of the truth ; least of all when it is undertaken in a spirit of cowardice and a refusal to face facts .
27 She encapsulates the new commonsense : the housewife managing the nation in a way familiar to the ordinary household ( not spending more than it is earning ) and bringing home to her striking trade unionised husband the ‘ harsh realities and consequences of living without a weekly wage ’ .
28 But it is n't easy to be envied , any more than it is to feel envy .
29 Any more than it is targeted towards high-tech , R and D , office headquarters
30 The public domain , therefore , can do more than it is to secure the active citizenship of individuals .
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