Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] with " in BNC.

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1 The tidal fall this morning was around two feet lower than normal — I know this because we live with the tide tables , but most people would n't think of it .
2 Ah , you can argue as much as you want with now .
3 Cold day , it was me that but I think with hurrying so , quite a good walk .
4 However , we should n't grumble , because that is all that we get with many other plants , and at least the reason of interest and attraction is extended by colourful fruits ( hips ) in autumn .
5 All that I live with is by , sorry , all that I live by is with the awl .
6 All that I live with by is with the awl .
7 Truly sir truly sir all that I live with with by is with the awl .
8 J.S. Well , the thing is that my work moves right across that because I work with what is seen as ‘ negative ’ imagery .
9 The essence of the Queen 's Speech is that it deals with the problems that affect every family in our land , such as those that they encounter with the public services and those relating to education , health and the inner cities .
10 I enjoy my conversations with that gentleman as much as I do those that I have with right hon. and hon. Members .
11 You bought it and bought it , that 's it , not same as they do with yeah with them looking for bloody sponsors unheard and them looking for bloody sponsors eh ?
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