Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I do not favour either approach above the other but am using each where I feel it is most illuminating .
2 You have two options , you either accept that or you reject it , and send back to the people involved saying this is not completed .
3 Each meeting ends with the moneymen all saying things like I 'm in or I want in on this or You got it or Let's do it .
4 Now erm for next oh something else as well I 'm not sure whether you sign this or I do it erm right what 's the date is it about twenty eighth ?
5 The single high-density distribution disk slips into the drive , you type INSTALL , answer the usual ‘ is this where you want it ’ questions , and off it goes .
6 What am I most likely to get out of this if I do it ?
7 Twelve thou , you see , I 'm just wondering whether I should quote on a C I F basis which I can do you see , on the basis of , this if I add it up .
8 How people use this and they put it in the dictionary .
9 Each new resident and member of staff is given this and they find it very helpful .
10 I I there is no evidence that it 's an inherited or venereal problem and this is the , you know you we have there has been lots of sort of studies done to see which woman might be more at risk and which women , you know , might have symptoms and th , the fact is that the reason why you , why the menopause occurs is because the ovaries stop functioning , they stop producing oestrogen and every woman 's ovaries does this and they do it you know , at all varying ages the average age is fifty .
11 But the UK had never had a product like this and they needed it , ’ says John Bartic , visiting professor at Strathclyde University and joint chief executive of Bartle Bogle Hegarty ( BBH ) , the agency appointed to handle the launch and subsequent roll-out .
12 We we just have this weird notation that we write it like this and we say it like that cos squared Z what we mean
13 We want satisfaction , we want completeness in life , and so we try this and it gives it for a moment , but when it 's finished we 've got ta try something else .
14 Mr Broadhurst was very particular about this and he took it extremely seriously .
15 Re remote control yes , well my son has one of those he has an electric garage door on his house , and a copper frisked him before he went in last season cos he , he 's a younger bloke and er he said what 's this and he pulled it out of his pocket , he said it 's to open my garage door with he said what do you think it is a death ray or something yeah .
16 she told them that , that 's mine , she told them that I did n't think much of this and I thought it was a rip off
17 I knew this and I knew it was a weakness in him and I should not put up with it .
18 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
19 The methods that she uses erm , and I think this needs to be done well before a disaster , unfortunately so often people only react at times like this and I think it 's such a pity that they do n't do it beforehand , but it 's working on basic assertiveness skills , communications skills like giving a language for feelings , erm building up support for each other , plus the creative work — getting things down
20 He said : ‘ I have been waiting for the last three years for an opportunity like this and I see it as the right time in my career to take it .
21 So I says erm , Do you have any washing machines er that you have and all this and I give it all to him .
22 In the words of Alfieri : ‘ Most of the time now we settle for half and I like it better . ’
23 Here Alfieri repeats one of the main issues raised in his introduction , ‘ Most of the time now we settle for half and I like it better . ’
24 ‘ Most of the time now we settle for half and I like it better ’ .
25 I paid fi fifteen bleeding quid for that and I sai cos this year , I did n't know he 'd done this cos he sits it like that
26 I 'm warning you of this cos you know it 's disappointing if you do n't do well .
27 Mind her head on that wheel cos it 's got some if she gets it her hair wo n't she ?
28 He will need the support of his colleagues — which he 'll get — to get over this but we believe it is get-overable , ’ he said .
29 He will need the support of his colleagues — which he 'll get — to get over this but we believe it is get-overable , ’ he said .
30 I think , I think Council is accepting this but I think it 's
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