Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [art] number [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are other difficulties in making an order in such a case as this where a number of defendants have been equally involved in committing a crime , for the purpose of which a vehicle belonging to one of them has been used .
2 RATIO — Usually a quotient of the size of one population ( or sub-population ) to another or the number of a particular event in relation to the number of another event .
3 It was run then by Henry Thomas , who owned this and a number of other local mills .
4 However , not all plants do this and a number of trees which normally produce straight , stress-carrying boughs can be grafted so as to behave like weeping willows .
5 These differences are related to the wider patterns of drug use in society at large in which females are proportionately less likely to engage in recreational drug use then males , as this and a number of earlier studies show ( for example , Belle and Goldman 1980 ) .
6 But intellectually , on this and a number of different fronts , town planning was on the frontiers of change .
7 However , the Sports Council for Wales is taking what can only be described as a very aggressive approach to this and a number of other sensitive recreation/environment issues at present .
8 As the packing density is usually lower than this and the number of records per cylinder greater , overflow from a cylinder is not usually a problem .
9 Ellis and Shepherd ( 1974 ) first drew attention to this but a number of experiments by Young and his colleagues have failed to show any influence of age of acquisition of words on dichotic listening ( Young and Ellis , 1980 ) or tachistoscopic hemifield asymmetry ( Ellis and Young , 1977 ; Young and Bion , 1980b ) even when it is the age at which words are first read rather than heard that is under investigation ( Young , Bion and Ellis , 1982 ) .
10 I think it 's necessary to stress this since a number of representations have referred specifically to the constraints which the locational strategy embodied in policy I five on the ability to deliver the proposed structure plan on employment land allocation .
11 The visual ambiguity of handwriting is such that a number of possible interpretations may be made for any written word .
12 This is not to say , however , that in certain applications , the use of ‘ normal ’ in-rack sprinkler systems is not perfectly satisfactory where the arrangement of sprinklers can be such that a number of them can be brought in early against the fire , or where the nature of the goods stored is such that flames are unlikely to damage them within the first few moments of fire development .
13 The fourteen Area Boards themselves had to devolve some functions further and they initially set up about 500 local districts ( slightly fewer than the number of pre-nationalisation undertakings ) .
14 This was fewer than the number of people looking at a daily newspaper .
15 Before the Minister gives us , once again , the sterile old argument about the number of empty council properties , I point out that the number of empty council properties is far fewer than the number of empty properties owned by the Government .
16 Indonesia also has a large electrification programme underway involving hydro-electric and thermal power station projects but these and a number of large oil and petrochemical projects are threatened by balance of payments problems .
17 These and a number of other questions should have been answered . ’
18 The expense , the incompetence of the personnel , the distances involved , the lack of an agricultural base , the foreign competition , a reorientation of imperial policies in the far East — these and a number of other factors analysed by Gibson eventually led to the sale of Russian America to the United States in 1867 ‘ at two cents an acre ’ .
19 Firstly , many innovations are school-wide in their application and can not be implemented at all unless a number of teachers , perhaps even the entire staff of a school , both agree to , and become committed to , their implementation .
20 you see there 's clear evidence on that because the number of action plans that are completed
21 It is amazing , with hindsight , to see the awakening of the theory of evolution dismissed by Gould as nothing more than a number of ‘ pleasing chats ’ ; but Gould was not a revolutionary and never claimed to be ; his en tire life and all of his works were designed to get him accepted by society and by science , not rejected by them .
22 Cavaye recommends that caterers buy an extra 10% to 15% more than the number of covers on main items like knives , forks and spoons , double the number for teaspoons and a little over half for fish knives .
23 Characters are permitted no more than the number of magic items shown on the chart below .
24 Characters are permitted no more than the number of magic items shown on the chart below .
25 Characters are permitted no more than the number of magic items shown on the chart below .
26 She was greatly overworked , with between 1,300 and 1,500 patients , several hundred more than the number of beds , and only fifty nurses .
27 The same problem of interpretation arises from any use of manorial records , probably the best available documentary source ; these can tell us no more than the number of holdings which fell vacant on particular estates and throw no light on mortality among landless persons .
28 So it , it is hard to say , erm and I would n't like to make a prediction except that I think the number of postgraduate students may have fallen more than the number of undergraduate students , and that we may see already even in this first year erm a substantial not altogether healthy change in the national makeup of overseas students .
29 Only thirty-four had been to other secondary schools , scarcely more than the number from the second most popular public school , Harrow .
30 The Tory , David Harris , held the seat by a mere 1,645 votes — less than the number of postal and proxy votes ( 3,355 ) .
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