Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 We 're getting slaughtered on that and on the other way round .
2 Well I know that but on the other hand , we 've never been ones for relying on other people .
3 Because some people are making large profits , and raising the total of profits by so doing , it is proposed to come down on the ‘ innocent ’ businesses , whose profits may actually have gone down , who have been being ‘ responsible ’ and not increasing their prices ; and their taxes will be put up — all because of the other bounders , who meanwhile are laughing their heads off .
4 If he had done the shock would have been less but on the other hand , his holiday would have been spoilt .
5 But the blank horror over Khmer Rouge atrocities between 1975 and 1978 has created a blind spot about its strength in Cambodia , and the growing likelihood that it will return to power , either on its own or with the other Cambodian opposition factions .
6 Each knows the weaknesses in its own and in the other approaches and therefore debates between them tend to result in predictable discussions within a well-trodden terrain .
7 Of course the younger user is unlikely to continually switch between the three , but continuity of product and of interface is still very important — my six year old expects to find certain controls linked to certain keys — how do you answer the question ‘ why does n't this key to the same as in the other Fun School ones ? ? ? ’ .
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