Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's that or hacking it with the hammers .
2 The minister told a questioner later : ‘ To somehow suggest that this incident of 1,000MBq released into the atmosphere is somehow responsible for massive contamination of the food chain … it clearly is nonsense to suggest that or to compare it in any way with Chernobyl . ’
3 And then , I either leave it like that or turn it to one .
4 I think either that or have it on a separate sheet .
5 And as Joe was saying , he said , all we do is just go back to them and just try and say well look you know when you come to see us again do you want to accept this or regret it on the basis that you 're going to strike , but all the other section in the company 's accepted that .
6 The emphasis of the New Testament is that Christ resisted the temptations thrown at him and it was this that qualified him for dying on the cross .
7 Networks operating on this principle perform an operation that is likely to be extremely important for the neocortex , and it was actually the search for a mechanism that would do this that led us to the suggested modification rule : the modifiable interconnections tend to make the representative elements become uncorrelated , and thus to signal independently of each other .
8 A project in which the children 's desire to acquire information will engender high motivation would seem a far more appropriate way of achieving this than putting them through special library lessons , divorced from any meaningful context .
9 How 's this and put it over there .
10 I 'll go and wash this and put it onto his coat
11 Quigley ( 1979 ) confirms this and uses it as a basis for examining alternative language environments .
12 In the back of one of my homemade guitars I used a bit of thin foam , rolled up tight , to hold a battery in place ; then I had a brainwave to use a piece of this and lay it across the springs , between them and the rear plate .
13 the erm proposal falls by so er Tracy and , and David have made a , a , a note of this and thank you for
14 Well it should be in the file and I asked for this and keep it before me when a scheme is set up , A we have a map which I must have sent out letters ,
15 ( It would be advisable to make a copy of this and keep it in the ‘ Record of Achievement ’ as insurance against loss of the original . )
16 I told him this and asked him for a prescription for a warm , dry home .
17 If you wish , you can copy this and use it as an ongoing walking record after the 30 days .
18 ‘ I am not the type of manager to go in and say right , I 'll take this and create it into something else .
19 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
20 She blames her mother for this and sees it as a sign of inferiority , thus experiencing penis envy and transfers her affections to her father as he has the penis she wants .
21 He read this and showed it to his wife and on the following day asked questions .
22 If you are under pressure to eat out socially you should be able to do this and include it as part of your regime without having to compensate by going hungry at some time prior to the meal out .
23 African states went to war with each other often enough to have a large number of captives to sell , and competition among the slave traders encouraged this and pushed them into searching aggressively for slaves among their neighbours or else finding themselves enslaved by their better-equipped rivals .
24 Hopefully the next England manager will realise this and consign him to the scrap-heap as Taylor should have done years ago .
25 ‘ I knew you had obtained this and gave it to … er …
26 He did not like this and changed them for two of the same length .
27 Alyssia wondered how she had ever managed to come to places such as this and accept it as part of everyday life .
28 She folded the silver square of wrapping paper in half and made it into a little boat .
29 He gathered six double sheets from the drenched berths , folded them in half and left them by the companionway .
30 Try folding a VDU in half and stuffing it in your pocket .
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