Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [prep] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Tony Mitchell takes the steamboat to meet Hartley Peavey , the Mississippi mogul with the most in hi-tech hardware , and finds out that down at Harvey 's manufacturing plant , deep in the heart of Smalltown USA , the old ways ai n't necessarily the best .
2 Tony Mitchell takes the steamboat to meet Hartley Peavey , the Mississippi mogul with the most in hi-tech hardware , and finds out that down at Harvey 's manufacturing plant , deep in the heart of Smalltown USA , the old ways ai n't necessarily the best .
3 And all this always before Isabel 's face . ’
4 It would pay you to run this up to Sotheby 's for evaluation , they 've got a man there who specialises in things like this .
5 ‘ Petty Officer Grant picked this up in Andropulos 's cabin .
6 Ah this pick this up in Derek 's office today look .
7 And then bring some up to Terry 's room ? ’
8 I got this out of mother 's catalogue .
9 The grandmother of a Cornish smallholder 's family would stay the first three days of each week ‘ to help my mother to do the washing and buttermaking … and to help to do the mending ; ’ and when the children were not at school they would walk the mile and a half back to granny 's own ‘ little thatched cottage . ’
10 She saw this again in Edward 's stare .
11 If your hair has a slight wave or natural curl , you can emphasise this beautifully with Clairol 's Big Shot hairdryer .
12 At the TCCB winter meeting at Lord 's yesterday , the chairmen and chief executives of the 17 first-class counties opted for Chamberlain rather than the only other candidate , Don Perry , the Gloucestershire chairman , and although no one was giving very much away at Lord 's yesterday Chamberlain 's majority , like that elsewhere the previous day , was believed to be substantial .
13 At the TCCB winter meeting at Lord 's yesterday , the chairmen and chief executives of the 17 first-class counties opted for Chamberlain rather than the only other candidate , Don Perry , the Gloucestershire chairman , and although no one was giving very much away at Lord 's yesterday Chamberlain 's majority , like that elsewhere the previous day , was believed to be substantial .
14 Jews and the ‘ Jewish Question , were mentioned as such neither in Hitler 's New Year exhortation to his Party at the beginning of 1932 , nor in his notorious speech to the Düsseldorfer Industrieklub in January , nor in his ‘ Appeal to the Nation ’ , sold as a record in July and typical of his election addresses in the first half of the year .
15 As with much else in Lewis 's life , it seems as though there was a Providence in its journey , for it landed on the desk of a man celled Charles Williams .
16 see what I can find , I 've got these out of Budgen 's cos they were fifty nine P .
17 I contend that it was all down to Shakespeare 's employer .
18 The way the newspapers keep writing about her just brings it all back into people 's minds .
19 The use of a local lawyer as the team spokesman after two All Blacks were involved in a post-match scuffle in Llanelli in 1989 did not reflect at all well on Sturgeon 's ability as a manager who could stand aside and view the matter dispassionately .
20 Soon , as the large Mercedes climbed narrow roads , the magic of the landscape erased all else from Katherine 's mind .
21 At first it was back in university days again and then , suddenly , him lying all bloody in Sunil 's bathtub and it was n't even funny bizarre any more .
22 Well I pay that anywhere for Danny 's .
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