Example sentences of "[det] [pron] have been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Ahtisaari said that only 315 people were then found to be unaccounted for , because the mission 's list contained duplications , vague identifications , names of people who have been released and repatriated , names of people never detained and some who have been reported dead .
2 Seriously though , motions like this one have been debated over and over again .
3 Robespierre 's experiment was , scarcely surprisingly , a dismal failure ; and while the delicious dream of a universal , natural and reasonable religion may have an understandable attraction for those who are influenced by but not wholly committed to Christian ( or some other ) belief , it does not appear capable of offering any very stable resting-place , or any adequate defence against the more radical challenges to religion as such which have been raised from without and within Christian theology in modern times .
4 As such they have been called the ‘ securities market line ’ .
5 Then there are the negative effects , and it is these which have been stressed in the warnings of computer scientists , university doctors , and in the various confessions of ex-hackers .
6 In some areas the new standard might differ markedly from that we have been used to in Britain .
7 Since I came , I have tasted all I have been asked to .
8 I daresay you find this strange and may think I am ungrateful when after all I have been given the chance to set up for myself which is not given to many of our station but it is a surprise to me too .
9 Like many I have supported this union 's policy my C L P , but also like many I have been hurt and angered by the attempts of some of the Party , both nationally and locally to deride and belittle the unions as a thing of the past and not relevant to the Party 's new media image and that working class issues were not worth presenting at elections because they are unpopular with the tabloids .
10 The hearts of all who have been moved by Lizzie 's singing go out to Brian in his loss .
11 ‘ There are many who have been killed without the knowledge of the public , ’ said Mr Longwe .
12 A spokesman said : ‘ All we have been told is that originally Bowie was executive producer and then he was supposedly involved in the music .
13 One aide let into the secret of the wedding plans said : ‘ All we have been told is that the question was asked on board her new boat .
14 All we have been told is that there will be a profit of £7,000-a-year but similar facilities in the North-East are running at a loss . ’
15 All they have been offered , they feel , is a gesture toward an explanation — a menu of dishes whose aromas and flavours have yet to be tried .
16 The record should build upon those which have been maintained for pupils in key stages 1 and 2 .
17 It is fairly obvious to say there are two classes of buildings to be studied — those which still stand , and those which have been destroyed , fallen down , or otherwise disappeared .
18 Although the number of academic studies looking at British monarchical attitudes is surprisingly low , those which have been conducted confirm the consensual nature of public acceptance ( see Blumier et al . ,
19 But the potential of such ‘ working models ’ is well illustrated by those which have been mounted .
20 Firstly , the land forces units shown here are those which have been deployed in full or in significant part .
21 For systems which have evolved on the basis of operational experience rather than those which have been created by a formal design process , job analysis rather than task analysis may be the starting point of human factors studies .
22 The patient ends up not knowing how to differentiate between what are her own thoughts , and those which have been implanted .
23 The Rules of the Fire Offices ' Committee and the Fire Offices ' Committee of Ireland for the Construction of Buildings are those which have been adopted by the Insurance companies , members of the Committee , for the classification of buildings and are based on two grades of construction .
24 Those countries most disposed to economic cooperation with the West are those which have found trade most beneficial ( Hungary , Bulgaria ) , not those which have been treated most generously ( Romania ) , let alone those who have become most trade dependent ( Poland ) .
25 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
26 ( Note that this power applies to any ancient monument , not solely those which have been scheduled . )
27 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
28 ‘ An institution for the purpose of cultivating this art ( of veterinary medicine ) similar to those which have been established some years in France , Germany , Piedmont , Sweden , Denmark , etc. would afford an exhaustless fund of amusement to independent persons , as well as of precious instruction to all .
29 Specific topics being addressed are those which have been suggested as a possible legacy of the dispute , such as irreconcilable bitterness between former working and former striking miners and their families in a ‘ split ’ community ; permanent disaffection from the police and from the institutions of legal and political authority as a whole as a result of experiences within striking communities ; and changing family relationships as a result of the mobilization of women during the dispute .
30 During the First World War , Radek of the Polish party and the Left abstained on national questions ; ‘ Social Democracy does not advocate either an erection of new boundary posts in Europe nor the re-erection of those which have been torn down by imperialism ’ .
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