Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [vb -s] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Our experience here has been quite unlike that of the Shanghai group last year , in that everyone seems to have fallen over backwards to make the course unpolitical .
2 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
3 This one appears to have seen a defect and reported a possible cause .
4 After this he seems to have retired for a time to his Scottish estates .
5 Ooh oh that one 's come undone as well in there mm
6 I 'm just gon na put you a new bag on cos that one 's has leaked .
7 Out of it all he appears to have extracted , and given , an uncommon amount of pleasure .
8 All he claims to have demonstrated is the necessity for some absolute sovereign power or other ; according to his theory , this could as easily be a democracy or an aristocracy as a monarchy .
9 Poor old Haverford , it 's really all he 's got left . ’
10 Them ones there , that 's all he 's got left .
11 To ensure that everybody 's kept informed of our performance at regular intervals throughout the year we will in future announce our interim results in December , make a statement in February on the Winter sale performance announce final results in early July and give another trading statement at our A G M in September .
12 and then he 's , he 's going out and they 're coming like that direction and he 's looked round and he 's seen the soldier , doing it , he 's gone and this is how I did it and then he put his , like this and he stuck his hands up and as his done that he 's got shot through the body from the side , what 's
13 San Gimignano is slightly apart from the other cities of Tuscany in that it seems to have had a relatively small element of hereditary feudal warriors among its citizens or in its contado .
14 No side has won successive grand slams since Wavell Wakefield 's England of 1924 , though it is worth recalling that what has become known as the Irish Problem deprived Wales in Barry John 's farewell year , 1972 ; they won handsomely against England , France and Scotland but like the Scots dared not venture to Dublin at the height of The Troubles .
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