Example sentences of "[det] [pron] have [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 part of the process of universal involvement in recognition of Artai as Lord of the Earth now necessitated the removal of the Dragon Throne — a solid piece of carving of the weight of seven thousand diram — with its occupant from the top of the plinth down to the concourse from whence it was destined to be borne on a processional route on the shoulders of teams of men of every degree in the Khanate , most of whom had been selected by lot , although there were a few who had paid out considerable sums in gold koban for the privilege of inclusion .
2 All through this they 've cried out for a modern definition .
3 I had n't realized just how much I 'd got out of the swing of things but everyone helped as much as they could and I soon adjusted back again .
4 ‘ Wo n't you tell me how much you have found out ? ’ continued the youth .
5 How quickly you recover depends on how much you have taken out of yourself , and this will be different for everyone .
6 He wanted to show me how much he 'd got out of them .
7 It was not going to be possible to keep from Olga the information that her son had suddenly become quite a well-to-do youngster , though he had warned Hank on no account to tell her how much he had made out of his book .
8 Q. You thought that by doing that you had wiped out every document that existed that would reflect ( the diversion ) , did n't you ?
9 All of these she had wriggled out of , and as they were leaving the cinema he had had the nerve to say , ‘ You know , I really respect you for saying no , Benny .
10 Performances last for over three hours , no smoking or drinking is allowed , and each one has sold out the 700-seater Hackney Empire .
11 They 'd visited the old Mrs Scamp and then so had I and all I 'd found out was that she was Jo 's mother-in-law and probably had a picture of Hitler on her bedside table .
12 All she had taken out of Ireland when she had fled had been the money she had made there and her trade — and her trade was that of a Madam .
13 Moreover , he would have been putting back pretty well all he had drawn out the previous year …
14 By May 1341 all he had got out of parliament was a resolution to collect the rest of the ninth and an offer of an extra 10,000 sacks of wool ; no new money was granted .
15 With disasters and all it 's come out reasonably well at the end of the day .
16 Those health authorities which express most interest in refining formulas by varying the factors included tend to be those which have lost out with the current formula .
17 His hope is that eventually , if a member company goes into liquidation , the other members will fulfil its existing warranties , and refund money to those who 've lost out .
18 When the trucks arrived we unloaded them , watching those who had fallen out on the march as they disembarked .
19 Meanwhile they replenished their land-holdings by conquest and by the confiscation of the estates of those who had fallen out of favour : rebels and criminals .
20 Among the young couples moving into the area were those who had dropped out of church life when they had left home to go to university , or when they got married .
21 We had just come out of a 12.30 matinee and the street was burning in the sun and those who had come out of the theatre was cool and real but the others in the street were moving in a white light that had them like shadows .
22 In it Christian psychiatrists , care workers , medical experts , ministers and those who had come out of the occult scene , spoke of the appalling wake of damage left by the occult .
23 Profits were divided amongst those who had helped out , and payment turned out to be at a substantially smaller rate .
24 Although the venue is not as packed as the previous night 's ( happy ) Birthday Party bash , those who have ventured out tonight are a partisan faction in regulation red ‘ Eat Yourself Whole ’ shirts .
25 ‘ It must proclaim , too , that responsibilities are as important as rights ; that there are no excuses for crime ; and that even those who have turned out to be bad can be helped to be good . ’
26 France 's president , François Mitterrand , is among those who have pointed out that transferring the power to make monetary policy to an independent body would be at odds with the clause .
27 The realisation that this illness could apply to anyone broke down the illusion that it only affects those who have dropped out of society .
28 Most neatly captured by the notion of the free economy and the strong state ( Miliband and Saville , 1979 ; Gamble , 1988 ) , the project has involved both the disciplinary reaction to those who have come out worst from this restructuring in the handling of uprisings among British Black communities and a series of confrontations with the Trade Union movement and the need to present massive cuts in welfare service delivery as essential for economic prosperity .
29 It is hard now to associate this restful hamlet with those who have set out to take part in events that have shaken the nation ; even more so with the lawless days of mob rule , savage revenge and gruesome murder .
30 And finally for Scorpio , It 's a day to make peace with those you 've fallen out with , because it really is n't much fun having all that bad feeling around .
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