Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [modal v] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If he does that I 'll clobber him — I 'll wring his neck — ’
2 I shall reach him and when I have done that I shall break him . ’
3 Vic Furlong : ‘ He was always a bit of a dreamer in that I 'd give him a job to do , come back in about an hour and he was still chatting , the job unfinished , so he had to go .
4 He knew she was getting at him — imagine a man like Marc Vila admitting to being foolish ever ! — but if she kept calm like this she could undermine him just as he had tried to undermine her .
5 I could do park parade tha , a girl was , er er anywa , I went in the factory and one of the girls says they were saying about a dance , says ooh I quite a few you ought to see him dance the park parade !
6 ‘ Anyhow , ’ Sendei continued , ‘ while we 've got this we can make him do pretty much what we want . ’
7 Watch this it 'll wind him up .
8 There 's not much I can teach him about riding , as you see .
9 Er I think the difficulty was , there was n't much they could charge him with .
10 He suffered from hypothermia and the pain in his hands was such it would take him up to six minutes ‘ just to have a pee ’ .
11 You want to persuade the trustees to withhold Peter 's rightful inheritance , and as well as that you 'll throw him out of his home too .
12 All I would have him learn
13 There was no way … no way at all she could prevent him being discovered .
14 I think we should do all we can to support him .
15 And although it accepted that on the whole the department did all it could to control him , on the day he assaulted a 70-year-old woman the court ruled that he had n't been properly supervised , and ordered the council to pay 700 pounds in compensation .
16 Of those who might succeed him as leader , at least two men and one woman — Constantine Simitis , Gerasimos Arsenis and Vasso Papandreou ( no relation ) — could probably do for Greece 's left what Michel Rocard has proposed to do for France 's .
17 He says modestly that he ‘ got into rather an idle way ’ , but Wordsworth 's way of ‘ idling ’ offers little comfort to those who might consider him as a precedent for their own incapacity .
18 Those who would punish him must deny Scripture , and Scripture indicates it is they who will be the ones punished .
19 ‘ Being informed by Lord Hastings of your situation and assured by him that my lord of Gloucester intends no harm to the king your son — but , on the contrary , desires only to protect him from those who would harm him — on learning of this an hour ago whilst in my bed at York House , I at once arose and came hither . ’
20 Argyll 's reply included a counter-warning against listening to the counsel of those who would persuade him to ‘ blood-letting and burning of poor men , to make your Lordship serve their wicked appetites ’ .
21 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
22 Wo n't be too many places he 'd be remembered these days , all those who could remember him are dead , or trying to die .
23 Yet there is no trace of arrogance in his writings or pronouncements , and for those who could track him down , there was a man who was more than ready to mull over the ideas of lesser mortals .
24 The more he says no the more you can bubbles him Dave .
25 I noticed he said some may call him naive — that is the very best that anyone could call him .
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