Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 All this I learn from the bus driver who chats to me as we wait for the traffic ahead to move .
2 All this I learn from the official match programme , price sixpence and now something of a collector 's item .
3 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
4 This one dates from the introduction of warrants .
5 But the particular psychological shock involved in this one arose from the fact that for the previous two centuries family ties among the landholding classes of England and Scotland and inter-marriage between the royal families had made relations between the two countries very close .
6 This one starts from the Barnaline Car Park which is on the road running through the forest , just north of Dalavich .
7 This one starts from the car park near the Clacach sawmill , near Brodick Castle .
8 In this they suffered from the same defects as the streltsy , the small force of regular infantry originally set up during Ivan the Terrible 's reign .
9 There is much to enjoy in an unbuckled way in this basically commedia dell'arte wheeze of young lovers enlisting the wily servant 's help to outwit the old guardian-in this it springs from the same dramatic roots as much of pantomime .
10 For the horologist the nominal essence of the clock is an idea of its real essence ; in this he differs from the gazing countryman , to whom the nominal essence is simply some combination of various observable features .
11 A short while after this he received from the lawyers a letter stating that his inheritance from his mother amounted to only £30,000 .
12 Where crops were sold both by large estates and small farmers or peasants , the situation was more complex , though in peasant economies , for obvious reasons , the proportion of the crop which came on the world market — i.e. which was not consumed by the producers — from large estates was normally much larger than that which came from the peasant holdings .
13 In any event , residence of some kind was the hallmark of establishment in so far as establishment involved economic integration in the host member state of a kind that was greater than that which arose from the provision of a cross-border service .
14 That will have a disastrous effect upon the locality equal to that which arose from the threat of the route .
15 The knowledge which is concentrated in government agencies is not only that which derives from the employment of professionals , scientists and technologists .
16 When they could hold it no longer the Collector shouted the order to retire to the next door : that which led from the drawing-room to the hall and where , several weeks earlier , the Collector had been lurking as he tried to make up his mind to attend the meeting of the Krishnapur Poetry Society .
17 Scarborough , adequate flexibility of land supply , that 's a quote , it was referred to as a reason for greatly increasing the allocation above that which emerged from the er statistical work , paragraph seventy six of N Y seven and erm in Selby 's case erm , land potentially available is recognized to be an important consideration , paragraph seventy eight of N Y seven .
18 Finally , there is the tension in the design process between the sense of design as a transformative activity , a positing activity , transcendent of the givens of a problem ( in the sense of both breaking with context and with the form of the immediately perceived requirements — design as defining needs as well as solutions ) and design as a posited activity , that which works from the given which deals with what is real not with what is merely planned or speculated or imagined .
19 Far from taking this supply of trained musicians for granted , the local church should be providing its own kind of expertise to complement and augment that which comes from the schools .
20 Water diffusing from internal tissues towards the outer layers of skin will not be sufficient to replace that which evaporates from the surface .
21 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
22 By mid-1990 the government acknowledged that the threat posed by " military rightists " was a more serious problem that which emanated from the insurgency campaign of the communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) .
23 How strict Tata had always been with me as a child ; even taken the strap to me on a couple of occasions , once for pinching ‘ fress ’ , or buns as Mother called them , behind his back — he did n't mind how much I took from the shop as long as I asked — and once for saying ‘ Damn ’ when I cut my finger peeling an apple .
24 Contrary to all expectations , ten minutes later she was seated at the washbasin , and forty minutes after that she emerged from the salon feeling refreshed and certainly different .
25 you know , it would make it better cos I got the impression of reading the headline , it meant that you know from the kitchen
26 Shrugs were all I received from the Tourist Information Centre on the harbour .
27 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
28 All we got from the insurance company was a sum for fixtures and fittings .
29 All we have from the Opposition is unsupported assertions , uncosted commitments and empty rhetoric .
30 Once they had set off , Mr Smith and Mr Jones , for all their being well into their middle years , proceeded to behave like schoolboys , singing coarse songs and making even coarser comments on all they saw from the window .
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