Example sentences of "[det] [art] [noun sg] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Is that the way it goes is it ?
2 Is n't that the way it happened , Mr Feather ?
3 Was this the way it had begun for the crew ?
4 But this the way it 's it 's er accepted here is completely unacceptable in my view .
5 The Isle of Man Coastal Path or Raad ny Foillan ( Way of the Gull ) is a route that does n't get half the publicity it deserves .
6 And third , huge spending programmes are dumped on the city by the state and federal governments , leaving City Hall with discretionary power over less than half the money it spends .
7 Labour 's spokeswoman on the economy , Margaret Beckett , says the Chancellor has n't stolen her Party 's cloak , and says that if the government had taken her Party 's advice a year ago , the economy would n't have gone through half the pain it has .
8 " Half the flour it makes , old marshwife , " said the miller .
9 ( E.g. if fine-class phonemic descriptions unambiguously described spoken utterances , it would still be pointless to use them if it took the processor weeks to find them in the acoustic input and half the time it got them wrong . )
10 You can no longer say , ‘ OK , but there will be a smart worker who will learn how to do that in half the time it takes now ’ .
11 The four system units will be organised around products — mainframe computers , mid-range , self-service terminal systems and application software , and is intended significantly to cut the time it takes for products to get to market — the aim is to cut in half the time it takes to develop products and bring them to the market .
12 That 's only half the time it took me last time .
13 ICI , which developed the R12 replacement , has cut its production of CFCs to roughly half the amount it manufactured three years ago .
14 Their retail value is £15,000 , about half the amount it costs to feed the birds here each year . ’
15 Responsible , neighbourly and democratic , for nearly half a century it has been as gemütlich abroad as it has been at home , pulling either its weight or its punches as the occasion demanded .
16 I think one of the main points is not so much the way it 's taught but who teaches it .
17 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure ! ’ he replied in such a way it made Maggie giggle again .
18 To achieve such a consensus it believes issues such as the threat of " social dumping " must be addressed .
19 Once again this is wrong , clearly so : ‘ It is a ‘ scam ’ on such a scale it takes the breath away . ’
20 The tree was decorated with lights by and his team of engineers , and was such a spectacle it resulted in a letter in the local paper from Santa Claus himself , thanking us for putting it up .
21 As befitted such a gift it represented a rich accumulation of the past from several sources .
22 And in such a situation it becomes difficult to say whether the temporary worker is brought in because of a shortage of permanent staff or because there is ( now ) a once-off task to be performed .
23 In such a situation it becomes crucial to understand the economic effects of changes in defence budgets are likely to be .
24 In such a liturgy it becomes apparent , in a way in which in a traditional liturgy , with a man celebrating , it does not , because there is not the same incongruity , that women are , at the very core of their religion , dependent on the male world .
25 In such a climate it seems even more suitable to pursue the creation of a radical , insider ethnography and in the not too distant past this even seemed to have official support .
26 In such a context it speaks plainly of the blindness of the people , and their preoccupation with the needs of the moment .
27 Without a word , the nun ushered them through the broad , thick oak door and into a tiled hall , there to be confronted by a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child in her arms , and above her , on the wall , a large crucifix hanging at such an angle it appeared that Christ 's bent head was viewing Himself as a child in His mother 's arms .
28 To such an end it had for some time been seeking to intensify contacts with both Tehran and Baghdad .
29 Recognizing the impracticality of such an action it opted for a series of initiatives which were consistent with its fight against apartheid in South Africa and its fight for the presentation of a positive image for black people in the UK .
30 When meditating deeply before such an idol it appears as if the image takes on the aura of a live human-being .
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